Friends for Life or Not?

The Mommies Reviews

I have been sitting her this week listening to Charlie talk to me about Homeschooling versus Public School. Charlie said yesterday he thought his friends would still call or come by but they haven’t.

This had been hard not only on Charlie but myself as well. I thought Aiden, Kayden and Bradley would always be friends with Charlie. But now, I am asking myself if they are going to be friends for life or not.

If we make the effort to invite Kayden over his mom Kerry says they busy or it isn’t a good time or she will get back to me which she doesn’t do. I can see this bothers Charlie a lot.

Then there is Aiden and anytime Charlie wants to see Aiden I have to reach out to his mom who will bring Aiden over if he doesn’t have a game of some kind.

My question is can’t Aiden and Kayens persons reach out and ask how Charlie is? Then ask if he would like to come over. Why should I have to always make the effort?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates