Friend’s Come & Friends Go

The Mommies Reviews

This is the first Summer since Charlie started school that we haven’t been Swimming every single weekend. I can’t even get Charlie to go Diving which is one of his favorite things to do.

Finally last night Charlie sat down and talked to me and I was able to find out why Charlie wasn’t wanting to do anything this Summer. Charlie is missing his friends.

Life is changing and the boys he was so close to are changing and they haven’t had time to get together this Summer. I want to change that this week and see if I can host a Sleepover and invite Charlie’s three best friends to spend the night.

Even if none of them come I made a effort. Although, I am Praying Aiden will come because he is the one Charlie misses the most. Although, now that he has moved across town I am sure he has made new friends and may not want to come over.

Once again I go to God and let him know Charlie is hurting and that I am putting this into his hands and no, matter what happens I know it’s his will and I will not get upset.

I will just make more time for Charlie and find things we can do together with and without David. Including going to the Park each day and playing Soccer.

I’m praying once school begins Charlie is able to make new friends and he finds friends who lives close by that he can go and visit and play with. Or that can come here.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates