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I would like to share a new cookbook that focuses on Mexican Food Fresh Mexican by Monica Medina-Mora (Author). I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

if you know me then you know Mexican food is my favorite food of all times. If I could I would eat it 365 days a year. What about you? Which is why I was excited to delve into Fresh Mexican and see new recipes I could create for my family. I also like that the Author has included 80 recipes for us that are healthy which will still allow me to have my favorite dishes while on a diet.
Just make sure if you check out Fresh Mexican to do it after you’ve eaten because the recipes will make you hungry or at least they did Charlie and I. I love how there is all kinds of tips in this cookbook that will turn my family into the ultimate Mexican cook and you as well if you use Fresh Mexican. The Author has even included Meal plans we can use when we host a party in our home.
I was so excited to find a recipe for Mexican Rice which I can’t wait to make because this is my favorite side dish when having Mexican Foods. What is yours and why? As it gets colder there is a recipe for Tortilla Soup and I can invite my girl friends over for lunch. Would you like to join us? I will even make Sangria for us to drink.
Here is something that might surprise you just as it did me there is a recipe for Meatloaf. if your like me then you would like to see recipes for Beef Enchilada’s or Quesadilla’s but this cookbook is more upscale and gives you recipes you might not have ever heard of. Or at least my family handn’t opening up new doors for us.

Taking its influences from the Aztecs, Mexican food is one of the world’s most colourful and delicious cuisines. Enjoy all its exotic flavour with over 80 classic and contemporary recipes that are low in sugar, fat and salt, ranging from classic favourites to modern ideas and variations. All of the recipes are easy to follow and quick to prepare, which makes them perfect for both after-work suppers and entertaining. With “Fresh Mexican“, you and your family can enjoy a healthy, balanced and exciting diet.