Free Topics of the Week July 21 – 27

The Mommies Reviews

Free Topics of the Week 
July 21 – 27

Kids Discover
As we begin a new week I wanted to bring you Free Topics of the week July 21-27 which you can use in your Homeschooling class. If you have used these resources in your classroom let me know what you thought of them and why.

Traveling on Glaciers

Traveling on Glaciers

Ever wonder what it’d be like to live on a glacier, or even cross the world’s largest ice mass? Many people have! Check out this Topic to learn more.

Profiles of Lewis, Clark, and Others

Profiles of Lewis, Clark, and Others
For nearly half a year before the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, President Jefferson and Meriwether Lewis studied books and maps of the West, planning an expedition that Lewis would lead.
Rights and Freedoms in the Declaration

Rights and Freedoms in the Declaration
The Declaration of Independence has three parts.The first section explains the basic rights of all people. It says that because these rights haven’t been respected, it is the colonists’ duty to split from Great Britain. The second, longest section is a list of complaints against the king. The third section formally declares independence.

Useful Microbes

Useful Microbes
Most of the invisible creatures on Earth do more good than harm. These tiny allies do basic tasks that help us stay alive. For example, microbes make soil and create oxygen.

Life Cycle

Life Cycle
Moths and butterflies have been around for a very, very long time. The very first moths appeared about 130 million years ago. Back then, the Jurassic dinosaurs were still around. Butterflies came along about 82 million years later, and humans showed up another 32 million years after that.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates