Hopefully it’s warmed up for you since last week’s polar vortex! In case you’re still a little mentally frozen, here are some free topics so you can hit the ground running this week.

What is the Constitution?
During this country’s infancy, as the U.S. was coming together, leaders realized the need for a stronger central (federal) government. The Constitution is one key component that derived from this. So what if something happens to the President, while they’re serving? It was this week, in 1967, that the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, which deals with issues related to presidential succession and disability.

Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy
Once focus shifted from building atomic bombs, attention was given to harnessing nuclear energy in a controlled fashion. During this week in 1960, France became the world’s fourth atomic power. But whether nuclear, solar, hydroelectric, or other type–all forms of energy have drawbacks.

Flags and Their Meanings
Canada adopted their infamous maple leaf onto the country’s flag in 1965. Countries will often use pictures or symbols that represent important parts of their identity.
Hands-on Exercise: If you were designing a flag for a country of your own, what would be on it? And why?

Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day, from Kids Discover! Did you know the heart is the only organ that has it’s own international holiday? See what else you might not have known about this holiday’s origin in our Topic on V-Day.

State Matters
Water freezes, ice melts, and steam condenses. These are different ways that ALL forms of matter (not just water) change their state. Learn more about what it takes for all matter to change its state, in this Topic.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates