Free Topics of the week August 19-24

The Mommies Reviews

Kids Discover

Kids Discover

Hello, how are you? Monday is Charlie’s first day back at school. I wanted to share with you Free Topics of the week August 19-24 to help you plan your lessons for the week.

Vision: How Humans and Animals Use Light

How Humans and Animals Use Light

Animal eyes have one big job in common, and that’s to collect light. Animals, including you, must collect light so they can see. No animal can see in total darkness—not even a cat, as some people think.

Women and the Revolution

Women and the Revolution
The war created special problems for women whose husbands had gone off to fight. Army pay was low and inconsistent, so these women had to support their families.

The Many Uses of Plants

The Many Uses of Plants
Before there were antibiotics, painkillers, insect spray, or Band-Aids, there were plants. Through the ages, people have found ways to use plants to meet all kinds of needs–and the process continues today.

The Automobile

The Automobile
Planning on getting out of town this summer? Cars changed how people got to work and how they relaxed. They changed where people lived, worked, played, ate, and shopped. Cars are the main reason our roads are smooth, since muddy gravel is a bad driving surface.

How Matter Works

How Matter Works
Over the years, people have used the properties of solids, liquids, and gases to do and make many things—from preparing foods and drinks to constructing engines and buildings.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates