Free Topics of the Week

The Mommies Reviews

Here’s a week of free topics for you to use. I hope sharing Homeschool Resources like these makes teaching easier for you. If there is certain subjects your looking for leave me a comment and I will see if I can help you find them. In the meantime have a great week.
Protest and Revolt in Boston Harbor
Protest and Revolt in Boston Harbor
December 16th is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, when American colonists dumped thousands of pounds of tea into Boston Harbor. It turned out to be one of the most important moments in our country’s history by triggering the beginning of the American Revolution.
Continuing Test Flights
Continuing Test Flights
The Wright brothers hard work did not end with Kitty Hawk in 1903. Back in Dayton, they continued test flights through 1905 at Huffman Prairie, a 100-acre cow pasture.
Myths and Superstitions
Money can affect people in powerful ways that sometimes have nothing to do with business. For example, some people thought Canada’s 1954 $1 bill was evil. The source of their fear was based on the way Queen Elizabeth II’s hair was drawn.
A Balanced Diet
A Balanced Diet
In many ways, eating healthfully is a balancing act. You have to balance your intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. You have to balance foods you know are good for you with foods you really like to eat. You have to eat enough, but not too much.
Rotation, Revolution, and Eclipses
Rotation, Revolution, and Eclipses
In 1543, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus declared that–contrary to previous beliefs, the Earth actually revolves around the Sun. During the Winter Solstice the Sun hits its most southerly point, over the Tropic of Capricorn, creating the shortest day of the year.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates