Fostering Inclusive Dreams: Children’s Books that Celebrate Surrogacy Journeys

The Mommies Reviews

See Our Top Picks in Surrogacy Books for Kids

A mother and child share a special moment reading a book about surrogacy, celebrating diverse family journeys. Photo by Leeloo The First: 

In our diverse and evolving world, there are many ways to create a family. One of these methods, increasingly gaining visibility and acceptance, is surrogacy. For those unfamiliar with the term, surrogacy refers to a process where a woman (the surrogate mother) agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or couple who will become the baby’s parents after birth. Surrogacy books for kids help children and teens understand and celebrate these journeys, fostering inclusivity and respecting various family structures.

There are two types of surrogates. A traditional surrogate is a woman who becomes pregnant through artificial insemination to carry the pregnancy for another individual or couple. In this case, the surrogate’s egg is used, making her genetically related to the child. On the other hand, a gestational surrogate carries a pregnancy created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) using an embryo that has been created with eggs and sperm from either the intended parents or donors. The gestational surrogate is not genetically related to the child she carries. 

Individuals and couples from all walks of life may choose to use a surrogate to conceive a child. These people include LGBTQ+ individuals or couples, individuals (both men and women) struggling with infertility, single parents by choice, and those who are unable to carry a pregnancy due to medical reasons. Surrogacy can allow these individuals and couples to experience the joys of parenthood uniquely tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. 

Recommendations for Surrogacy Books for Kids

Explaining complex topics like surrogacy can be challenging, especially for young minds. This is where books can play an instrumental role. Through relatable characters and engaging storylines, books can break down complex issues into understandable concepts for children and teens. They provide a safe and intimate platform to explore these topics at their own pace, fostering understanding and empathy. Listed below are some high-quality, reputable surrogacy books for kids to consider.

Children’s Books that Celebrate Surrogacy

Many children’s books are available that thoughtfully and sensitively depict surrogacy journeys. These stories can help children appreciate the beauty of different family formations and understand the concept of surrogacy. Children’s books explaining surrogacy include:

  1. “The Kangaroo Pouch” by Sarah Phillips Pellet: This book uses the metaphor of a kangaroo carrying her joey in her pouch to explain surrogacy to young children. It celebrates surrogacy as another loving way to bring babies into families.
  2. “Sophia’s Broken Crayons: A Story of Surrogacy from a Young Child’s Perspective” by Crystal A. Falk follows the journey of Sophia, whose mom is a surrogate, helping another family have a baby. In this surrogacy book for kids, Sophia’s mom is shown as a compassionate person who brings happiness to others.
  3. “The Very Kind Koala: A Surrogacy Story for Children” by Kimberly Kluger-Bell: This book employs the animal kingdom to explain surrogacy. The story revolves around a kind koala who agrees to carry a baby for a pair of penguins, symbolizing the selfless act of surrogacy.

Teen and Young Adult Books that Celebrate Surrogacy

Explore heartwarming children’s books that celebrate surrogacy journeys to foster inclusivity and understanding in young minds. Photo by Julia M Cameron: 

For teens and young adults, understanding surrogacy becomes even more critical as they navigate more complex social dynamics and relationships. Here are some recommended surrogacy books for older kids.

  1. “The Other Mother: A Lesbian’s Fight for Her Daughter” by Nancy Abrams: This book is an autobiographical account of a lesbian couple’s fight for their daughter born through surrogacy. It is a powerful testament to the lengths parents will go to for their children, regardless of how they came into their lives.
  2. “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult: Although not strictly about surrogacy, this book explores the ethical complexities surrounding the conception and birth of a child for a specific purpose – in this case, to save her sister’s life.
  3. “Then Came You” by Jennifer Weiner: This novel intertwines the lives of four women, including a surrogate, painting a rich tapestry of emotions, relationships, and the love that binds families together.

When looking for high-quality surrogacy books for kids and teens, it is essential to consider the age appropriateness of the content. Additionally, books should promote positive messages about family diversity and the importance of love and acceptance. Look for well-written stories with engaging illustrations that can help spark conversations about surrogacy sensitively and inclusively. Parents and educators can provide valuable resources for children to learn about different paths to building families by selecting books on this topic.

How to Effectively Use Surrogacy Books for Kids and Teens

Introducing surrogacy books to children and teens should be done thoughtfully. Reading these stories as bedtime tales is ideal for younger kids as reading aloud has been proven an effective way to create a parent-child bond. For teenagers, these books (including e-books and audiobooks) can be included in their reading lists or suggested as book club picks.

After reading, it’s important to have open discussions about surrogacy. Ask your children about their feelings and thoughts on the story, answer their questions honestly, and encourage them to express their views.

Get Ready to Read!

By introducing surrogacy books to your kids and teens, we help them understand the diverse ways families are formed. It celebrates love, compassion, and the universal desire to nurture and be nurtured. So, explore these books with your children and embark on this journey of understanding and celebrating surrogacy together.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates