Fort Worth Stockyards Donkey Rides

The Mommies Reviews

Life is so funny the other day when we went to the Fort Worth Stockyards Charlie wanted to ride one of the hourses while David wanted to sit on one of the bulls.

Bradley wanted to ride in a Carrige with the horses. Me being me I always like to be different. I wanted to ride in the Wagon that was being pulled by Donkies.

I figured if David wouldn’t let me get a Donkey for a pet that this would bethe closet I would ever get to a Donkey and if I was very lucky the man driving the Wagon would let me pet the Donkey.

Now, you know what I would like to have for Mother’s Day: Either my onw Donkey or a ride in this Carriage not that I think David or Charlie will take me. So I better figure out a way to make money so I can take myself.

Would you like to go on a ride with me?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates