I don’t know about you, but I’ve lived in Texas all my life and even as a child every year my parents and my Grandparent’s would take us to the Fat Stock Show. I remember many days when there was Snow on the ground, and we would still go.

Before the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo though we would also go and watch the Parade because my mom’s cousin’s had Horses and would ride in the Parde and they now racehorses at places like Lone Star Horse track in Grand Prairie, Texas. I wish Charlie had a chance to see them ride but even though we gone to the Parade in the past my family is older and aren’t riding at the moment even though they still racehorses.
Back then the schools would give students’ free admission to the Fair and after receiving our Tickets for Students to get into the Fair for free we would head to the Fat Stock Show. I remember pulling into the Parking Lot and looking at the rides and how excited I would get.
We would walk inside and go through all the Barns to see the Animals and then venture into the Cafe for a snack and a warm drink. We would look at the Exhibits then we would head out to the Midway and no, matter how cold it would get we would ride the rides while my mom played the Game to win Cigarettes. Before you say they didn’t do that yes, they did.
Fast forward and my parents and grandparents are gone but that doesn’t stop my family from attending the Stock Show only now sometimes we also attend the Rodeo. If you know me, you know I love Bulls and Cowboys and you would think this would be my favorite part of the event, but it isn’t I love going through the Barns to see the Clydesdale horse.
I also love purchasing one of their Cinnamin Rolls and do not leave before having one just like David with his Beer he always orders. Charlie likes to stop at the Candy Stand and pick out Rock Candy and also Ranch Dip from the Vendors while I like to sample the Soups.
I was so excited this time as we were walking through and found a whole new Vendor Hall with Texas made products. Although, men always know everything and even though I told David we needed to go down that way he kept saying no, there is nothing down that Hall.
But when we were leaving, we looked down the Hall and said there is more Vendors down this Hall. See if you would have listened to me, we would have already seen them. But once again I didn’t know what I was talking about because I am a women….
As we ventured through this new section, I found so many new Vendors to try out that are local I will be visiting in the upcoming weeks. I even got David to purchase something for each of us. Charlie picked out Ghost Pepper Peanut Brittle from Frosty’s Candy Barn which is in Richardson, Texas another Homeschool Field Trip. Now, let me tell you Ghost Pepper Peanut Brittle was hot enough to make David cry.
I tried a sample of the Pecan and was hooked and can’t wait to order this Peanut Brittle for me and for David and Charlie the Cashew Flavor which I know they will like a lot. If they aren’t careful, I might eat it all as well. Would you like to have a sample?
I sampled Oils from TEXANA BRANDS OLIVE OIL. I will be purchasing the Oils for Charlie and David for Valentine’s Day. Charlie can use in his Homeschool Cooking Class. They are located in Artesia Wells, TX which will allow us to take a Homeschool Field Trip would you like to go with us?
I also found a Tiny Home from Factory Showcase Homes I would like to purchase if we move and turn into a Game Shop/ Mom Shed for my company TheMommiesReviews.com and they are in Mansfield, Texas which is a hop skip and jump from my home making them a perfect Day Trip.
My favorite vendor in the entire exhibit hall was DAVIS MOUNTAIN NUT COMPANY who sells Pecans of all kinds including Chocolate Covered Pecans that are to die for. I was BLESSED when David bought me the small bag of Nuts and let me tell you I wanted to eat them all at once, but I’ve been good and have made the bag last. I still have enough for a couple more days.
Although the next time I order I plan on purchasing Plain Pecans and Chocolate Covered Pecans as well and they can put together tins for the Holidays and we can personalize the tins and, on the ones, I give away I will have my Blog Name as a way of advertising my company. Don’t forget to order the Pralines.
Leaving the Exhibit Hall, I walked by a gentleman with Boulder Designs By Custom Rock Works Aurora, TX 76078 who had Stones for the yard and a Bench. This bench stopped me in my tracks and it’s something I plan on purchasing for my yard in remembrance of my parents, Suzzane and also our Dogs Charlie wanted me to tell you.
I will have to save up the money to be able to purchase this Bench if you have any change, you don’t need would you like to donate to this cause because I am not sure Santa, and the Reindeer could bring the bench as it’s so heavy. If not, I can get one of the Stones with their names on it.
Then there is the company that sells Honey called Nature’s Nectar. I’m proud to let you know I brought a bottle of the Honey home with me. Which I can’t wait to use with Croissants although David says he wants Biscuits with the Honey That is if I let David have any.
If you have been to this Exhibit Hall then you were lucky enough to see GI Jerky if not and you’re a Jerky love like my family then you should check them out ASAP because the Jerky is so tasty, and it isn’t tough. I can’t wait to purchase more for mine and Charlie’s Snacks.
Although for me I will get Original because I can’t have things that are Hot or Spicy. While Charlie likes things Hotter than Hot for Charlie, I would get Hellfire. For David I would like to get Tactical Teriyaki. Charlie being Charlie says we should just order the Sampler Pack.
By the way they are in Mineral Wells and told me about a hotel called Crazy Water Hotel which I would like to go visit and also walk through the Town for another Homeschool Field Trip. Would you like to go with us? Company is always nice, and we can stop for lunch.
Last not lest for those of you who are on a Keto Friendly Diet but would like a Dessert then you should check out The Cookie Crave or Keto Sweets and if you visit them in Denton, Texas let them know Crane from the Fort Worth Stock show sent you and while there make time to check out the Cheese Shop and Dog Bakery.
For the Pickle lover in you you will want to check out PickleSmash online although they have in Stores throughout the Metroplex. What surprised me was I had walked ahead to talk to another Vendor and when I turn around David has taken off to find Charlie.
I asked David why and he said he has got to try this Salsa it’s AMAZING. I must buy the Mild but want to see which one Charlie would want. For those of you who know David he doesn’t ever purchase things for himself, so I knew he liked it a lot. As we were leaving David even went back inside to get another business card for his mom.
There’s no denying Lone Star pride! GO TEXAN, with its signature mark in the shape of Texas, celebrates, promotes and supports the business savvy and plainspoken grit Texas agriculture is known for throughout the world.
Whether it’s grown, sewn or served up on a plate, more than 26 million Texans shop, travel and dine out in support of Texas business and agriculture, looking for the GO TEXAN mark to light the way.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Nature’s Nectar LLC website is actually naturesnectarrawhoney.com, thank you and I hope you enjoy our honey.
Donovan Johns