Fort Worth Neighborhood Christmas Light Tours

The Mommies Reviews
Fort Worth Neighborhood Christmas Light Tours
Fort Worth Neighborhood Christmas Light Tours

I’ve always loved driving through communities looking at Christmas Lights from being a child and having my parents taking our family until now as a adult. Although we usually only end up in Diamond Loch close to our home because David doesn’t want to go to Arlington to Interlochen which I’ve been to in the past and would like to visit again one day before Charlie is grown and moves out.

I was blessed to find Fort Worth Neighborhood Christmas Light Tours SoFortWorthIt Christmas Light Tour NORTH and SoFortWorthIt Christmas Light Tour SOUTH! to go see lights at and I’m Praying I can get Charlie to go with me this weekend. Even if Charlie stays home. Before you ask I might ask my sister but then again I might just go with David on my own giving us a much needed date night.

This is a app you will download on your phone and it does cost $10 per side which may keep us from being able to attend this year but in the future if it happens again the app will be on my must have Christmas Wish List especially when we have the opportunity to get FREE Coffee & Hot Chocolate at Roy Pope

Added bonus! While you are on your Christmas Lights Tour, stop into Roy Pope Grocery for FREE coffee and hot chocolate for your crew when you show them the purchased tour on your phone.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates