It’s Saturday, and time for Foreign Languages. I would like to ask you to check out these Recommended Website: If you have used these resources in the past what did you think of them and why?

Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision) This website has free online games, songs, and activities for children in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and many more languages.
When you get to the site you will see an icon menu for each language. Click on any one and a new page opens with a menu that allows you to learn:
- The Alphabet
- Letters
- Numbers
- Colors
- Clothes
- The Calendar
- The Family
- Common Descriptions
- Verbs
- Time
- Weather
- and much more!

Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision) This website offers a series of free lessons on how to draw portraits – no previous experience necessary!
The artist who developed this entertaining series prefaces the lessons with lectures that offer scientific explanations on how the human eye and brain perceive light and form. Understanding the science behind the art removes the “mystery” of how to create portraits and makes it seem “doable” for amateurs and reluctant artists.
When you get to the site the first lesson of the series will launch – simply watch the video and enjoy the lecture by this quirky, laid back, and very talented artist-instructor. There are 12 video lessons from 6 to 10 minutes long that cover:
- Value and Contrast
- Graphite and Eraser
- Sketching
- Value Shapes
- Measuring
While that short list above may seem mundane – the lecture/demonstrations are engaging and you’ll be drawing portraits in no time at all. We posted the age range as 10 and up, but there are aspects of these video lessons that younger children may enjoy as well with constant parental supervision.
PARENTAL WARNING: The lessons featured today are on While the content of the “Learn To Draw Portraits” lessons that we reviewed is suitable for general audiences, the YouTube format is such that you may see questionable content in the sidebars and/or in the comment section (below the video). Both sections continually change. Parents AS ALWAYS should review the lessons WITH their children.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates