Food Recipes: September 21st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our feature sharing Food Recipes: September 21st, 2022. Today is National Pecan Cookie Day. I don’t know about you but I wish I had some Pecan Cookies. If your near Hurst, Texas you should go to North East Mall to the Cookie Store in the Food Court and purchase one of there Pecan Cookies which is amazing.

National Pecan Cookie Day

Five facts to know about Pecan Cookies:

  1. If the body does not get enough Zinc, it may have difficulty producing testosterone. A key hormone in initiating sexual desire in both men and women. Pecans provide nearly 10 percent of the recommended Daily Value for Zinc.
  2. It would take 11,624 Pecans, stacked end to end, to reach the top of the Empire State Building in New York City.
  3. Texas adopted the Pecan Tree as its State Tree in 1919. In fact, Texas Governor James Hogg liked Pecan Trees so much that he asked if a Pecan Tree could be planted at his gravesite when he died.
  4. Albany, Georgia, which boasts more than 600,000 Pecan Trees, is the Pecan capital of the U.S. Albany hosts the annual National Pecan Festival, which includes a race, parade, Pecan-cooking contest, the crowning of the National Pecan Queen and many other activities.
  5. Pecan Trees usually range in height from 70 to 100 feet, but Pecan Trees grow as tall as 150 feet or higher.  Native Pecan Trees those over 150 years old have trunks more than three feet in diameter.

National Pecan Cookie Day is on September 21 every year. The delicious treat can be eaten at all times of the day. If pecans are your thing, you might also want to look out for April 14, which is National Pecan Day. National Pecan Cookie Day marks the creation of one of the most delightful cookies in the world. The observance calls attention to this sweet treat that is sure to leave you craving more. It also serves the purpose of creating awareness about pecan cookies and providing an opportunity for those who already love them to celebrate their yummy taste.

History of National Pecan Cookie Day

The Pecan is part of the hickory family, which is found mainly in the Central and Southern regions of the United States.

Historical records from the 1500s claim that Europeans first encountered Pecans in Mexico, including several Southern States of the United States. Pecans were immediately accepted and gained popularity when American Colonists came across them and tasted the delicious flavor.

Pecans have enjoyed time in the limelight. Pecans first entered print in 1773, and former U.S. President George Washington was said to have received the Nuts from Thomas Jefferson and planted several Pecan Trees. Pecans soon became a symbol of the American South, setting the stage for the creation of the widely popular Pecan Pie.

Besides being delicious to eat, Pecans have several vital health benefits. Pecans have a fair amount of protein, fiber, iron, vitamin B, and magnesium. There’s nothing better than a delicious treat that fits right into a healthy diet. This observance presents the opportunity for foodies to enjoy these delightful Pecan Cookies and share them with family.

One excellent way to mark National Pecan Cookie Day is to eat a fresh homemade batch straight out of the oven! A coldglass of Milk will work wonders as a pairing. There happen to be tons of recipes out there for creating firm or soft versions of the Pecan Cookie. Just thinking about the Sugary sweetness of the toasted Nuts melting on your tongue is enough to send you reeling.

Dust off grandma’s cookbook and hunt out that Pecan Cookie recipe, it’s time to whip up a batch. Whether it’s the chewy or dunking type, you’re sure to have a swell time.

How to Celebrate National Pecan Cookie Day

  1. Todays is the day to put your taste buds to work as we celebrate National Pecan Cookie Day. Exploit your inner baker and bring your favorite recipe to life.
  2. You’re only limited by your imagination. Create unique Cookies with special flavors or look up a new recipe and surprise your taste buds.
  3. Share your recipe or teach a newbie how to whip up a batch of Pecan Cookies. You could even host a bake-off and see whose Cookies are the best.

5 Facts About Pecans

  1. The word ‘Pecan’ has Algonquian origins, roughly translating to ‘a tough nut to crack.’
  2. Placed end to end, you would need over 11,624 Pecans to reach the topmost height of New York’s Empire State Building.
  3. The United States accounts for approximately 80% of the world’s supply of Pecan Crops.
  4. In 1919, Texans chose the Pecan Tree to be their State Tree.
  5. Before shelled Pecans are sold, the Pecans must be sized, cleaned, sterilized, cracked, and shelled.

Why People Love National Pecan Cookie Day

  1. Raw Pecans pack a wealth of healthy fats, protein, and other nutrients which nourish the body. The Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium in Pecans can also help reduce blood pressure.
  2. We don’t really need it, but it’s always nice having an excuse to enjoy a sweet treat. Pecan Cookie Day is just that!
  3. There are countless ways for you to enjoy Pecan Cookies. If your not sure how research recipes online or create your won recipe.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates