Food Holidays: September 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: September 8th, 2022. Today is National Date- Nut Bread. I don’t know about you but I’ve had Date-Nut Bread have you? If you want to know the truth I don’t even think I want to try Date-Nut Bread. How about you?

National Date-Nut Bread Day

It’s time to celebrate National Date Nut Bread Day. The question is whether to choose Butter or Cream Cheese or just have the Bread plain. This holiday comes with all sorts of options that can be based on personal preference. The most important thing on this holiday is that Date Nut Bread is celebrated and enjoyed!

History of National Date Nut Bread Day

Dates are a Fruit that has been around for quite some time. In fact, Dates seem to have been first cultivated in Egypt, sometime around 4000 BC or so. The English word used for this Fruit is derived from the Greek word dáchtylo, which means “finger”, presumably due to their shape.

Published recipes for Date Bread seem to date back to the 1930s, but Fruited Breads were also known in earlier Centuries and in many different parts of the world. This first recorded recipe for Date Bread originated in Britain in 1939. Date Bread quickly became a favorite to be made in the Winter, particularly around holidays like Christmas and the New Year.

Nobody seems to know for sure who decided that Date Bread should get its own holiday, despite evidence that the day has been celebrated for years. The fact that this holiday comes right in the middle of Winter for the Northern Hemisphere means that everyone can enjoy a slice of Date Bread warm from the oven, paired with a hot beverage.

Celebrating National Date Nut Bread Day might take a bit of planning ahead to be sure there’s enough Date Bread so everyone can enjoy this snack..

Try out these ideas for National Date-Nut Bread:

A Date Nut Bread eating championship was held in New York City in 2006, with the winner eating 29 Sandwiches made with Cream Cheese in just 8 minutes. Sponsored by Chock Full o’Nuts the Coffee company, this competition was won by Pat Bertolett, with second place going to John Chestnut who is one of America’s most well-known gurgitattors.

Nutrition Facts About Dates

Dates is one of the lesser used fruits in American kitchens. Dates are actually a very healthy fruit, providing quite a bit of nutrition along with a bit of sweetness and lots of moisture. In celebration of National Date Nut Bread Day, here is some nutritional benefits Dates can bring to the family:

  • Dates are high in Polyphenols, which is a very important antioxidant that helps to protect the human body from oxidative damage that can cause problems such as inflammation.
  • Chock full of fiber, Dates act as a healthful aid to the digestive system as well as keeping the stomach feeling full for longer. Other nutrients found in Dates include B-6 and Iron.

Make Date Nut Bread at Home

Perhaps a less nutty way to celebrate National Date-Nut Day is by baking Date Bread and serving the Bread to family members for breakfast or afternoon Tea. Since Date Bread is a quick Bread, it doesn’t use Yeast but instead comes out as a dense Bread that is actually more like Cake. Although Date Bread tastes slightly sweet, it goes well with a Cream Cheese filling for a different taste sensation. Those who prefer the portability factor might want to divide their Bread Batter into smaller portions and make individual Bread loaves or Muffins.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates