Food Holidays: September 14th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: September 14th, 2022. Today is National Cherries Jubilee Day. I don’t know about you but I’ve never had or even seen Cherries Jubilee and neither has Charlie. As for David I don’t know about him. Now, lets move on to you have you seen or had Cherries Jubilees?

National Cherries Jubilee Day

National Cherries Jubilee Day falls on September 24th celebrating a very unique dessert that deserves more love! Cherries Jubilee is a dish that involves Cherries and Liqueur, usually a Brandy or Kirschwasser. Originally, the Cherries were simply poached in a Sugary Syrup and served with warm Brandy, which was set on fire for a dramatic presentation as the dessert was served to guests.

Modern recipes serve the Cherries with Ice Cream, but the fire has remained a key part of this dish. Cherries Jubilee was first served at one of the Jubilee celebrations of Queen Victoria and the popularity for the dessert skyrocketed during Queen Victoria reign. Cherries Jubilee was considered a highly fashionable dessert to offer one’s guests. The dessert made a comeback in the 1950s and 1960s, and now this classic dessert has earned itself a new brand of retro prestige. For National Cherries Jubilee Day on September 24th, we invite you to join us in indulging in this most dramatic of desserts.


  1. A number of restaurants have started to offer this classic dessert again, now that Cherries Jubilee has transitioned from a popular dish of the 1950s to a retro-fabulous dessert in modern times. Check around your local restaurants and find a place that serves Cherries Jubilee near you. On September 24th, make a point to visit that restaurant and try Cherries Jubilee for yourself. Bring a friend and share the experience. Don’t invite anyone with a fear of fire!
  2. You can prepare Cherries Jubilee at home but recipes do vary, and you can find any number of easy recipes online. Pick up fresh Cherries and pit them, or skip the prep work and snag a bag of frozen Cherries. Simmer your Cherries in Water, add Sugar. When the Water thickens up into a Syrupy Sauce, you’re ready to stir in your Liqueur. Then serve. Use an Ice Cream of your choice although Vanilla is the classic option. Don’t forget the fire! A stick lighter will protect your hands from flare-ups, and be sure to let the flames burn out before digging in.
  3. A jubilee is a fancy party, where everyone wears big hats. Jubilees are traditionally hosted to celebrate the 25th or 50th Anniversary of something, like a Queen’s reign, a business inception, or a Wedding. National Cherries Jubilee Day gives you all the excuse you need to throw your own Jubilee. Send out invitations, pick up classical tunes to play, and encourage your guests to show up in powdered wigs and big hats. Serve Cherries Jubilee for dessert.


  1. Cherries are one of America’s favorite Berries. We have hundreds of Cherry-themed dishes to prove it. Unlike the Cherry Pie, Cherried Pork, and dozens of other desserts, starters, and main courses that incorporate Cherries. Cherries Jubilee has some royal history behind it. Cherries Jubilees was one of the desserts served at the Jubilees of Queen Victoria in the late 1800s. Cherries Jubilee not only delivers on the Cherries, but it does so with regal dignity and royal style.
  2. Cherries Jubilee is served on fire? This classic dessert is served a flambé, which means that the dish is literally set on fire when the desert hits the table. Though dramatic and impressive, this fire doesn’t really affect the taste of the dessert. After the Cherries are poached in Syrup, the Cherries are mixed with alcohol, traditionally Brandy or the modern substitution of Kirschwasser Liqueur. When the dish is set on fire, this Alcohol burns so quickly that the flames flare up and burn out without damaging the Cherries at all. The end result is a warmer, more Caramelized Cherry concoction that still has some of that Liqueur flavor left over.
  3. Queen Victoria never served her Cherries Jubilee dessert with Ice Cream, modern technology has made Ice Cream so easily accessible that we really couldn’t help adding Ice Cream into the mix. Vanilla Ice Cream is typically served with Cherries Jubilee. Daring restaurants have branched out, offering up new versions of Cherries Jubilee and Ice Cream. Cherries Jubilee with Cherry Ice Cream delivers an all-out Cherry blast. For Chocolate-Cherry lovers there are versions with Chocolate Ice Cream. Here is a fun fact there is even a version with Pistachio!

Five facts to know about Cherries:

  1. Cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy stone fruit.
  2. Cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species, including especially cultivars of the Wild Cherry, Prunus Avium.
  3. The name ‘Cherry’, often as the compound term ‘Cherry Tree’, may also be applied to many other members of the genus Prunus, or to all embers of the genus as a collective term.
  4. The fruits of many of these are not Cherries, and have other common names, including Plum, Apricot, and others.
  5. Cherry’ is also frequently used in reference to Cherry Blossom.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates