Food Holidays: October 22nd, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: October 22nd, 2021. Did you know today is National Nut Day? For me Nuts are my favorite snack because there Healthy. What about you do you like Nuts as well? If so which ones? For me it’s Walnuts and Pecans with Almonds and Peanuts at times.

National Nut Day

Image result for national nut day


National Nut Day is celebrated annually on October 22. The Liberation Foods Company chose this day as when we should be celebrating Nuts as a healthier snack option.


Did you know National Nut Day was created by Liberation Foods Company as a way to do the right thing by the collectives of small Nut farmers around the world. It was important to the company to stress to the public that their Nuts were not only sustainably grown. But that the company was committed to giving their Nut farmers  a fair minimum wage for their labor and crops. Farmers growing Brazil Nuts, Peanuts and Cashews  from Malawi, Brazil, India, El Salvador and other Third World Countries came together to form a Fair Trade collective under Liberation Foods’ umbrella. 

National Nut Day appeared in 2015 on Liberation Foods website.  Although the company is based in the United Kingdom, this Holiday has spread far and wide. Especially in the United States. The Holiday is devoted to all things Nuts-related. Including recipes and cooking tips. Many African Countries infuse their daily meals with Peanuts on a regular basis in Stews or Soups. 

Did you know there is a Nutcracker Museum and according to the Nutcracker Museum, Nuts were a regular part of the human diet from as far back as 800,000 years ago! Early man used “nutting tools” to crack stones. Pecan remains from 6100 B.C. were discovered in a Texas cave. Early Europeans ate Pistachios while Greeks and Romans believed that Walnuts were a gift from the Gods. 

Eventually, the English sailed the Mediterranean with Walnuts onboard ships. The Nuts were used for trading. By the 18th Century, Walnuts arrived in the New World, specifically, California. When the Franciscan Monks set foot on these new shores.  

No matter what you eat today; include a helping of Nuts. Nuts has lots of Health benefits and they make you happy. That’s important to remember on National Nut Day!


10,000BC – The year Walnuts can be traced back to, making Walnuts the oldest tree food.
$800 million – The amount Americans spend each year on Peanut Butter.
1919 – The year Texas adopted the Pecan Tree as its State Tree.
2 years – How long Almonds can be refrigerated for.
20% – One serving of Chestnuts provides 20% of your daily vitamin c requirements.
1 – One serving of Walnuts supplies 100% of your daily Omega-3 requirements
40% – Chocolate companies buy 40% of the world’s Almond supply.
4 in 10 – The number of Americans that eat Nuts.


  1. Store bought Nut Butter is so 2000. Grab your favorite Nut, toss them in a food processor, and add Sweetener (if desired) and voila! You now have Nut Butter. Just grab a knife to spread the goodness, or eat the Nut Butter by the spoonful.
  2. Want to brighten up someone’s day at work? Buy a family-size container of mixed Nuts at your local store and make snack-sized goodie bags for your coworkers. This is an inexpensive treat many will go Nuts for. Ask everyone if there Allergic to Nuts before handing out the treats because someone might have a Peanut Allergy!
  3. Try grabbing a handful of your favorite Nuts then add the Nuts to your breakfast Oatmeal. Or you lunch Chicken Salad, or Veggie Stir-Fry. The added protein will make your stomach (and muscles) happy.


  1. No matter what your preference is, there’s a vast variety of Nuts to suit your taste buds. Nuts come in all shapes and sizes, from teardrop-shaped Almonds to wrinkly Walnuts.
  2. Nuts are dreamy when consumed and Nuts deliver a punch of nutrition. Almonds are rich in Protein, Calcium and Vitamin E. All nuts provide large amounts of healthy Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats. That’s so much good stuff for your body!
  3. We all get hungry, but it isn’t always easy to make time for a full meal. What do we do in situations like these? Grab a handful of NUTS. For a guiltless snack that keeps our tummies happy and full.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates