Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: October 20th, 2022. Today is National Brandied Fruit Day. I don’t know about the Fruit part but I wouldn’t mind having Brandy in a shot or a drink. Would you like to have Brandied Fruit?

National Brandied Fruit Day

Brandied Fruit has been a favorite treat for those who enjoy the delicious bite of Fruit with the full-bodied flavor of Brandy. Brandy is the ultimate distillation of Fruit, which starts its life as a bountiful Wine with a delightful bouquet, which is then distilled down into the Spirit known as Brandy. From there, the addition of Sugar, heat, and a select number of Herbs, Spices, and occasionally additional Fruit is added to create Brandied Fruit.
History of National Brandied Fruit Day
The history of National Brandied Fruit Day is, unfortunately, lost to the mists of time. But the tradition of creating this Midwinter treat is not. Brandied Fruit wasn’t just a delicious treat for those with the money and resources to make it, but was essentially a high-class method of preservation. Besides being delicious on its own, it also provides a long lasting way of enhancing your Brandy, and preserving Fruits that could otherwise be lost for the Winter.
How to Celebrate National Brandied Fruit Day
Celebrating National Brandied Fruit Day is a cinch, you crack open a jar of Brandied Fruit and gobble it down. You don’t have Brandied Fruit? Well, you can often buy Brandied Fruit at certain specialty stores, but to really get the full experience you should try making Branded Fruit yourself. Be aware that this is not a short process. The beginning is as simple as getting the ingredients together, getting sterilized glass canning jars, and following the recipe.
Be warned though, once the initial process is complete, it’ll be going into that jar for a good 3 weeks, so be sure you’re prepared for that kind of wait.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates