Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: October 2022: NATIONAL APPLEJACK MONTH. Before you ask me what is a Applejack I am not sure other than a box of Cereal if I am correct. Do you know what Applejack is?

National Applejack Month is an annual holiday observed in October. We’re not talking about thered and green cereal that you’ve enjoyed at some point in your life. Many people in the U.S. are unfamiliar with Applejack – the drink. We’re here to tell you all about Applejack, and why you should give this drink a try.
Applejack is a fermented Cider that dates back to the 1600s. Colonists were working on Apple Orchards in the Northeast and using the Apple Orchards to produce Hard Cider. While making the Hard Cider, they decided to go for something even stronger. They upped the Alcohol content of the Apple Cider by leaving the barrels outside overnight to freeze. This method was known as “jacking,” which is where the name Applejack comes from.
We would like to invite you to enjoy a glass of Applejack and use the Hashtag #NationalApplejackMonth to share on Social Media. Can you think of a better time to start sipping Apple Spirits than the beginning of the holidays? We wouldn’t think so. Applejack isn’t as well known as other Liquors or Spirits nowadays because Apples are a more expensive source to use than Grains. Let’s give Applejack a boost this month and share Applejack with friends and family at holiday parties!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates