Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: October 2021: National Dessert Day. This makes Dieting this morning so hard. Especially with me trying to teach Charlie to cook because Baking is what Charlie wanting to learn the most and its why we’ve been making Cookies more than we should.

If Dessert “Day wasn’t long enough then I would like to let you know that there is Dessert “Week”? Now, we’re getting closer. Although, we can all agree Desserts deserve their own month. Because you can have a different Dessert every day of October and you’ll still have many Desserts left to try. Let’s face the facts. Dessert’s a necessity and it’s possibly the only reason kids will finish their vegetables. But as an adult, go ahead and have some Desert because we won’t tell.
- Make an elaborate dessert for yourself. Go on — give Baking a try. Make that Dessert you’ve always wanted to try. You’ll impress your friends, create a sense of pride in yourself and have a reward for your efforts!
- Sip the eggs for Breakfast and create French Toast, or Chocolate Chip Pancakes which could be classified as a Dessert to some.
- on Halloween you could host a Costume Party where people dress as their favorite dessert? Which Dessert would you pick and why? I think my family would go as Ice Cream Cones.
- Credit the French for the word “dessert” which originated from the French word “desservir,” which means”to clear the table.”
- Don’t forget to leave room for Pudding. In the United Kingdom, Dessert is usually referred to as “Pudding.”
- Did you know a Boston Cream Pie is a cake? Yes, you read that correctly. The inventor, an Armenian-French Chef, likely made the original in a Pie tin — more common than Cake Pans at the time. English was not his first language so you can guess the rest.
- German — but not Germany. Mine and David’s favorite German Chocolate Cake was named after Sam German, who developed German’s Sweet Baking Chocolate in 1852.
- Baked Alaska Delmonico’s famed restaurant named this dessert as a way to celebrate Alaska’s annexation.
- Because it’s dessert then its sweet and delicious. It tops off dinner and you can even have it for breakfast. There’s a reason they put Whipped Cream on Waffles.
- Dessert can help you lose weight. seriously studies have shown that adults who eat Dessert as part of an otherwise Nutritious Diet succeed in losing weight in the long term. Why? Because the body responds to small amounts of Desserts by decreasing its own appetite for them. Then I have a question for you why isn’t that working for me???
- The variety of Desserts doesn’t stop. How about a Baklava from Greece, or Coconut Bar from China?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates