Food Holidays: October 15th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: October 15th, 2022, I can’t wait to let David know today is National Liqueur Day when he gets home this evening. I might be able to get David to go to Applebee’s so I can have a glass of Sangria. Would you like to go with us?

National Liqueur Day

Liqueurs are basically Alcoholic beverages made from distilled Spirits with lots of added flavors. Some call them Cordials, while others call them Schnapps. They all add up to different varieties of Liqueurs. Maraschino, Orange, Coffee, Sweet, or Sour it doesn’t matter the flavor to be celebrated. Grab your Liqueur of choice and toast a friend on October 16th as we celebrate National Liqueur Day!

Liqueurs are basically Alcoholic beverages made from distilled Spirits with lots of added flavors. Some call these Spirits Cordials, while others call them Schnapps. They all add up to different varieties of Liqueurs. Maraschino, Orange, Coffee, Sweet, or Sour it doesn’t matter the flavor as long as its celebrated. Grab your Liqueur of choice and toast your family on October 16th as we celebrate National Liqueur Day!

Five facts to know about Liqueur:

  1. In parts of the United States, Liqueurs may also be called Cordials or Schnapps.
  2. Grand Marnier which was created in 1880, is one of the most popular Liqueurs of all time. Escoffier used it as an ingredient for his culinary masterpiece Crepe Suzette. Cesar Ritz was so impressed with Grand Marnier that he was among the first to introduce it at his hotels.
  3. All Liqueurs are blends, even those with a primary flavor.
  4. Liqueurs are not usually aged for any great length of time although their base Spirit may be, but may undergo resting stages during their production in order to allow the various flavors to “marry” into a harmonious blend.
  5. The most common Liqueurs that you should consider absolutely essential when stocking your bar are the following: Amaretto, Coffee Liqueur ie. Kahlua, Dry and Sweet Vermouth,  Irish Cream Liqueur, Maraschino Liqueur and Orange Liqueur ie. Triple Sec, or Cointreau, Curaçao.

National World Food Day

Where would we be without food? We wouldn’t be at Starbucks, or the grocery store or a restaurant. We wouldn’t, in fact, be anywhere for very long, because we need food to live. Food is seen as a basic human right, and yet one in nine people globally experience chronic hunger. As far back as 1945 the United Nations recognized food as not a privilege, but a right. Which is why they created World Food Day, observed annually on October 16th, in 1979. World Food Day is a day of observance to draw attention to the plight of the hungry. Today, we would like to ask you to join us in eradicating hunger.


  1. In the United States it’s estimated 1 in 7 people rely on food banks as their primary or supplemental food source. Many of these are working families who suffer from underemployment and cannot afford the groceries needed to help their family live healthfully. Did you know the top requested items for food banks are healthy, non-perishable items high in protein, including Canned or Dry Beans, Peanut Butter, Rolled Oats, low-sodium Soups and Vegetables and Tuna canned in Water.
  2. Ninety-eight percent of the farms in the world are family farms. These Family Farms usually practice sustainable agriculture with plants that are indigenous to the area, rotating crops and limited use of pesticides. Sadly, many family farmers are unable to produce the variety of crops needed for their own survival and without support, can suffer from malnutrition themselves. On World Food Day, shop locally and support family farms.
  3. On World Food Day there are typically a number of food drives. If you don’t know of a local food drive, organize one yourself and donate the food to a local food drive. Globally there are hunger walks, World Food Day dinners or food packaging rallies. Get involved and let’s end world hunger!


  1. Millions of people suffer the health consequences of malnourishment, which damages growing bodies and brains. That’s why it’s important to draw attention to this health crisis. By doing so, ensure food security and availability of nutritious foods to everyone on the planet.
  2. Our planet currently produces enough food to feed every person on the planet. However, 1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted annually. That’s roughly 20% of the food produced. World Food Day acts as an budge to get involved, reduce food waste, and help provide sustenance for millions.
  3. Food is a great source of pleasure and entertainment, but sometimes we can overindulge. if we return to the focus of eating mindfully we can reduce the amount food that’s wasted and the number of people going to bed hungry. World Food Day serves as a reminder to refrain from overeating and to make choices that are ecologically sustainable.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates