Food Holidays: November 20th,2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: November 20th, 2021. Did you know today is National Peanut Butter Fudge Day. If I had knew about this sooner I would have had David pick up the ingredients for Charlie to make Fudge in his Homeschool Cooking Class.

Although, we would have made Chocolate Fudge with and without Nuts. Because no, matter how much I like Fudge and Peanut Butter I just can’t see them together. Although, Charlie and David might eat Peanut Butter Fudge knowing the. Now, I have a question for you. Do you like Peanut Butter Fudge?

National Peanut Butter Fudge Day

Image result for National Peanut Butter Fudge Day!

National Peanut Butter Fudge Day falls on November 20th and its when we try our hands at making a batch of Fudge. Did you know there is a wide range of Peanut Butter Fudge recipes to be found on the internet and what these recipes have in common is a quick prep time, and a short list of ingredients that most of us probably already have in our kitchens. As a bonus, Peanut Butter Fudge is much easier to make than Chocolate Fudge, because it doesn’t involve melting the Chocolate to a specific temperature measured by a Cooking Thermometer.

Five facts to know about Peanut Butter Fudge:

  1. Did you know Fudge was invented in the United States more than 100 years ago.

The exact origin of Fudge is disputed, but most stories claim that the first batch of Fudge resulted from a bungled (“fudged”) batch of Caramels made on February 14th, 1886—hence the name “fudge.”

Georgia is the #1 Peanut producing state.’

The most popular American Fudge flavor is Chocolate.

A average Peanut Farm is 100 acres.


Fudge itself has been around since the 1880s. The widely held belief is Fudge was ‘invented’ when a European pastry chef’s preparation of a batch of Caramel went wrong, and he said “Oh, fudge!” The name stuck. Some versions of the story even have the sticky batch being spilled on the floor and picked back up to minimize waste. What the fudge? In any case, Peanut Butter Fudge is a favorite flavor for many. The week before Thanksgiving is the perfect time to prepare a pan of Fudge.

Some of the first late-19th-Century print references to Fudge are advertisements for Fudge Shops in tourist destinations like Michigan’s Mackinac Island. Recipes also began to appear in periodicals and cookbooks around that time. Strangely enough, Fudge-making was especially popular at that time on the campuses of women’s colleges like Smith and Vassar. One source details how the New York newspaper “The Sun” published a recipe called ‘Fudges at Vassar’ in 1895.

With Fudge’s popularity and availability on the rise from then on, it was only a matter of time before the American Peanut got involved in the game as a Fudge flavor. There’s no denying our love affair with Peanuts and Peanut Butter considering that over 75% of modern American households contain a jar of Peanut Butter, and that an American child on average eats over 1,000 peanut-Butter-and-Jelly sandwiches by the time they graduate high school. The exact first instance of Peanut Butter being used in a Fudge recipe is unknown, but it was only a natural progression, and we won’t complain about having enjoyed the confection for so long!

It was the National Peanut Board that first established November 20th as National Peanut Butter Fudge Day. The organization’s chairman, Bob White, said in 2015, “I’m not certain anyone knows for sure why Americans have named so many days or months for U.S.A.-grown Peanuts and Peanut Butter. But it doesn’t surprise me that America’s favorite Nut is top all year long.”


  1. There’s no denying that baking can be a lot of fun, especially using a recipe as simple as Peanut Butter Fudge recipes. Set aside a couple of hours, and invite a friend or two. Then make a few pans to enjoy now and later. Get those aprons ready!
  2. There’s a reason that Peanut Butter Fudge is featured in many gift shops all over the Country: which makes a thoughtful and tasty present that may even win over someone who’s on the fence about you. Have the gift box wrapped up nicely, and look for those smiles upon your friends discovery of what’s inside there Gift box.
  3. Take plenty of pictures of your baking and Gift-giving experience and share them on all of your Social Platforms. Use the hashtags #PeanutButterFudgeDay and #NationalPeanutButterFudgeDay.


  1. Peanuts have the most protein of any Nut — which is seven grams per serving — to provide long-lasting healthy energy.
  2. It takes 540 Peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of Peanut Butter.
  3. Americans spend about 800 million dollars a year on Peanut Butter.
  4. Containing over 30 essential Vitamins and Nutrients, Peanuts are a superfood.
  5. The saying, “working for peanuts” was coined by Harry Mozley Stevens in 1895. The year the company Cavanaros paid for ad space in New York Giants game programs with Peanuts, which Stevens and other stadium staff then resold to fans during games.


  1. All history and interesting factoids aside, we love the flavor and creamy texture of Peanut Butter Fudge. It’s fun to find someone in your group who’s never tasted Peanut Butter Fudge, and see their eyes light up. Be careful of your friends’ possible Peanut allergies.
  2. Though the Peanut Plant has its origins in South America, it was the United States that created a program around the turn of the 20th Century to encourage the production and consumption of Peanuts. Helping the Legume graduate from backyard gardens to major farms like Jimmy Carter’s.
  3. If you live in a sizable town, chances are that on November 20th, you can find a Peanut-butter Fudge Baking Contest or where you’ll be able to try multiple batches from different chefs. Although, I’ve never found a contest. Have you?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates