Food Holidays: May 20th, 2022


Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share our series featuring Food Holidays: May 20th, 2022 with you. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

National Quiche Lorraine Day

National Quiche Lorraine Day is on May 20, and we couldn’t be more pleased that this dish is getting the attention it deserves. Quiche Lorraine has humble beginnings in Medieval Europe and has managed to evolve and tingle the taste buds ever since. Imagine a full English breakfast including Cheesy Eggs, Baked Beans on Toast, Bacon, Sausages, Sautéed Mushrooms, and Veggies on the side. Now, imagine this dish comes together in one glorious dish. That’s exactly where Quiche comes in, which is here to stay.


Though hailed as a French dish, Quiche Lorraine originated in the German Kingdom of Lothringen (modern-day Lorraine), during the 1500s. Lothringen was unique because of its geographical location between both France and Germany. Each Country laying claims to the region at different points in history. The Germans in Lothringen had an open Pie with bits of Meat, the ‘Kuchen,’ which means ‘Cake’ in German. This savory Cake evolved into the word ‘Kische’ and when France conquered Lothringen, they conquered the rights to the dish as well.Which was renamed Lorraine and the spelling of ‘Kische’ was Frenchified into ‘quiche’ (pronounced kee-sh). Quiche Lorraine was said to be a favorite of Duke Charles III of Lorraine.

Originally a poor man’s dish, the key components of Quiche Lorraine at the time were Custard made of Cream and Eggs, and Smoked Bacon or Lardons which is cubes of Lard,, which were cooked on a Bread-base in a cast-iron skillet. These were all staples that most households had. Cheese was added later on, as Quiche Lorraine evolved. A traditional Quiche Lorraine also doesn’t include Onions, so adding those will turn a Quiche Lorraine into Quiche Alsacienne.

While not much is known about how the holiday itself came into being, Quiche itself rose in popularity in the 1970s and 1980s. Quiche due to its versatility, became a popular brunch dish and we all know how millennials love brunch. Which could be served hot or cold and was equally good as both a Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian dish. Though briefly losing popularity among men in the 1980s because Quiche was associated with brunch a ‘feminine’ concept, Quiche made a comeback by the next decade and is as popular as ever now.


  1. If your creative juices are flowing in the kitchen, this would be a great time to try your hand at making Quiche Lorraine yourself. The basics you need are Bacon, Eggs, Cream, Milk, and Cheese. Go the whole nine yards by also making your shortcrust Pastry from scratch, which always tastes better than a store-bought one.
  2. Picnic like the French would and pair your Quiche Lorraine with a nice white Alsatian Wine from the region of Alsace, and go on a picnic with your loved ones, catching the last rays of the spring Sunshine.
  3. Many people find it daunting to make Pastry Crust, just because the Dough can always be a bit tricky to get right. Confront your fears and learn how to make Pastry from scratch. After that, there’s no going back to store-bought Crust.


  1. The historical role model for women, Joan of Arc, hails from Lorraine.
  2. The feminine name, Lorraine, is derived from the Germanic ‘Lothar,’ meaning ‘famous Army’.
  3. Alsace and Lorraine is a popular region in France because of its viticulture, producing White Wines.
  4. Apart from its Quiche, Lorraine is known for its Madeleines, Mirabelle Plums, Macarons, and a dish called Lorraine Hotpot.
  5. The region of Alsace and Lorraine has been a site of a tug-of-war between France and Germany for Centuries.


  1. There’s almost no limit to the combinations of things you can put in a Quiche, as long as you have the Eggy Custard part and Pastry. You can even use ingredients that are specific to your Culture and make the Quiche your own.
  2. Not only is Quiche suitable for all mealtimes, but QUiche can also be adapted to suit different kinds of occasions. Whether you aim to impress your boss over dinner or welcome new neighbors Quiche can be dressed up or down to serve the purpose.
  3. Since the filling of a Quiche just involves tossing things into your Eggy Custard, it’s a great dish to get the whole family involved in prepping. A traditional Quiche Lorraine is even simpler, so enjoy bonding in the kitchen as you prepare this savory Tart.

National Pick Strawberries Day

Image result for national pick strawberries day

National Pick Strawberries Day falls on May 20 because Strawberries are a Summer Fruit that is loved and cherished by many for the images of sunny days Straberrys brings. More than half the children in the U.S. go pick Strawberries from special Farms and Gardens around this time. A fun activity Strawberry picking allows for quality time to be spent with Nature and loved ones. Strawberries offer amazing nutritional value. These red Berries are full of antioxidants, Vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, etc. As if these qualities weren’t enough, Strawberries are also a cousin of the beautiful rose plant.


While there’s no record of when the first National Pick Strawberries Day was celebrated,but the history of the activity and the Fruit goes way back. In ancient times, Wild Strawberries were used mainly for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. There are mentions of the Fruit in Roman records that date to the First Century A.D. In other Centuries, the wonders of the Fruit were also proclaimed in literary texts, and one prominent example includes the words of William Butler, a 16th-Century Writer/Poet, who said, “Doubtless God could have made a better Berry, but doubtless God never did”. The great properties of Strawberries have also led to other historical figures using them. Madame Tallien, a renowned figure from the French Revolution, took baths in tubs full of Strawberries to keep her skin glowing and radiant. Another example is of Fontenelle, a Centenarian Writer from the 18th Century, who credited his long and healthy life to his Strawberry consumption.

As time went by, Strawberries started being cultivated for mass consumption, with the first instance taking place in the 13th Century. Initially, Strawberries were only found in North and South America. However, globalization led to the Fruit traveling great distances into other Continents. After several failed attempts to grow the plant in France, the French Horticulturalists finally succeeded in their endeavors in the 1750s. The resulting Strawberry variety from the 1750s is one of the most produced varieties today. Strawberries are not only enjoyed by humans for their great taste and nutrients but Strawberries are also used by Bees for their Nectar and Pollination.


  1. Make a day out of National Pick Strawberries Day and go Strawberry picking. You can get together with your family for the activity. Not only will it be fun, but it will also make you appreciate the Fruit and Nature in general.
  2. Give your green thumb a chance by trying your hand at planting and tending to a Strawberry Plant. Strawberries, unfortunately, are one of the Fruits that you will always find on a list of Fruits with high Pesticide concentrations. By growing Strawberries yourself, you will have Organic and healthier Strawberries on your hands.
  3. Strawberries are loved worldwide and you will find a number of recipes that incorporate the Fruit. You can also use the Fruit for skincare and scented candles.


  1. Annually, Americans consume three-and-a-half pounds of Strawberries on average!
  2. Strawberries are members of the Rose family.
  3. Strawberries have about 200 seeds on average. Dd you know Botanists consider each seed to be its own individual Fruit.
  4. There isn’t only Red Strawberries, but blue, White, Yellow, Black, and Purple Strawberries, too!
  5. Strawberries contain more Vitamins than other Fruits.


  1. Going to pick Strawberries allows for much-needed quality time spent with loved ones and Nature. Picking Strawberries also allows for a breather from our hectic lives. At the end of the day, you get to devour the tasty Strawberries that you spent time picking.
  2. From the cold Winter to the cool Springtime, and then to balmy, warm Summers, the Sunny weather brings with it great outdoor activities. While you can always get Strawberries pre-packaged and ready to eat from your local Supermarkets, those hand-picked Strawberries taste so much better.
  3. Strawberries have much to offer in terms of their taste, scent, and nutritional values which is why Strawberries have been celebrated for centuries.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates