Food Holidays: March 7th, 2022, is National Cereal Day! / #NationalCerealDay

Facts about Cereal
Did you know the word cereal comes from Cerealia. The name of ancient Roman ceremonies that honored Ceres, which is the goddess of grain.
Here is a fun fact to share with your children. The first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal, Granola was invented in the United States in 1863 by James Caleb Jackson.
Cereal is often eaten cold with with Milk, Yogurt, and Fruit, although some people eat Cereal dry as a snack.
Astronauts from Apollo 11 ate cereal during their mission to the moon. The cereal with fruit was compressed into cubes because the lack of gravity made bowls of milk impossible. Would you like to have a compressed cube of cereal because I think I will pass?
Are you the average American who eats 160 bowls of cereal each year? Because I don’t think I eat that much cereal but if you were to ask me about Charlie, I would say he might eat more than that.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates