Food Holidays: March 2022: National Hot Cross Bun Day

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, how are you? Did you know that each year during March we celebrate National Hot Cross Bun Day? I must tell you Charlie and I haven’t ever had a Hot Cross Buns so in Charlie’s Homeschool Cooking Class we might try and make Hot Cross Buns. Would you like to help us?

National Hot Cross Bun Day (Good Friday)

National Hot Cross Bun Day is celebrated each year on September 11th as well as the entire month of March. Though there’s a day and a month dedicated to Hot Cross Buns these Buns are delicious any day of the year. Did you know a Hot Cross Bun is made from Yeast Dough? A Hot Cross Bun is usually a bit sweet. Hot Cross Buns may even contain spices including Cinnamon along with Raisins, Currants, and other dried Fruits. Most people prefer having a Hot Cross Bun for breakfast accompanied with a glass of Milk and Butter. Hot Cross Buns makes a filling breakfast food.

History of Hot Cross Bun Day

Many stories claim the origins of the Hot Cross Bun. One believes that the 13th-Century Anglican Monk baked Hot Cross Buns to share with others and marked the Hot Cross Buns with a cross in honor of Good Friday. Hot Cross Buns back then might have had a bland taste, but they were meant to be shared as a show of friendship and love.

By the 16th Century, Hot Cross Buns had been introduced to Elizabethan England. The Queen decided to keep the Hot Cross Buns sacred, and a law was passed to limit the sale of Hot Cross Buns to Christmas, funerals, and the Friday before Easter. This law was too difficult to enforce and was eventually dropped. People rejoiced and started baking Hot Cross Buns throughout the year.

Superstitious people believed that Hot Cross Buns had medicinal or healing powers. While others believed that Hot Cross Buns baked on Good Friday would never go stale. Others were of the opinion that Hot Cross Buns could ward off evil spirits. And a few others claimed that Hot Cross Buns protected sailors from shipwrecks while on sea voyages! Although Hot Cross Buns might have existed before Christianity, Hot Cross Buns have been historically only eaten on Good Friday as a Christian symbol of the Crucifixion. However, in many places, Hot Cross Buns are now widely sold and eaten every day of the year. The superstitions also seem to be fading since Hot Cross Buns are no longer used for any other purpose than having a fill when you are hungry.


  1. You should treat yourself to a Hot Cross Bun on National Hot Cross Bun Day. You can get freshly baked Hot Cross Buns for breakfast and enjoy them with your favorite hot beverage.
  2. Try your hand at baking Hot Cross Buns on National Hot Cross Bun Day using an online recipe or a friend or family recipe.
  3. Add new flavors or spices when you are creating your Hot Cross Buns. Here are some suggestions of what you can add to your recipes Nuts, Chocolate Chips, or Lemon Zest to add a twist.


  1. Did you know British women eat around 76 grams of Bread every day? Men consume approximately 113 grams a day.
  2. There are up to 200 varieties of Bread.
  3. Bread goes stale six times faster in the fridge than at room temperature which I need to let David and Charlie know because there always putting our bread in the Ice Box. Do you do this as well?
  4. People used soft breadcrumbs to erase pencil marks.
  5. Did you know the first meal consumed on the Moon was Bread and Wine?


  1. Since their origin, Hot Cross Buns have had a long, interesting history. This is a good day to look back at how Hot Cross Buns have made their way to us.
  2. Everyone loves Hot Cross Buns which are a favorite breakfast treat.
  3. National Hot Cross Bun Day invites us to bake and experiment with Hot Cross Bun recipes.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates