Good morning, how are you? It’s a beautiful Saturday I sure hope you have something fun planned for your weekend. Charlie and I are stuck inside the hotel with two dogs. As bad as it may sound it really hasn’t been that that bad and I honestly believe we could live in a Tiny Home.

I prefer a School Bus. How about you? Would you come visit me if I lived in a School Bus? I could make use a Grilled Cheese and Soup and we could celebrate National Cheese Day while watching movies. Is there a certain movie you would like to watch this afternoon?
June 4th is National Cheese Day which isn’t to be confused with other Cheese related holidays including Grilled Cheese Day or Mac and Cheese day. Todays holiday is in reverence of the queen of all dairy, the big Cheese. Which most of us love.
Cheese and its many varieties are celebrated on National Cheese Day on June 4th.
Cheese making is an ancient, some might even say sacred, craft. So ancient in fact Cheese predates recorded history. It is speculated that the magic of Cheese making began somewhere around 8000BCE shortly after the domestication of Animals.
Archeological digs have found evidence of Cheese around the world including strainers coated in Milk-fat molecules in Kuyavia, Poland dated around 5500BCE, murals in Egypt dated at 2000BCE, and an artifact of preserved Cheese in Xinjiang, China believed to be more than 3,000 years old! European Imperialism took their styles of Cheese through Asia, Sub Saharan Africa, and eventually to the Americas.
Did you know the most popular Cheese of is Mozzarella. This delicious Pizza Cheese was first created near Naples from the rich Milk of Water Buffalos. At the time, it rarely left its home near Naples, as it was made created using Pasteurized Milk, and a lack of refrigeration meant it had a very short shelf life. As both Cheese technology and refrigeration systems advanced, this Cheese left the Southern region of Italy and found itself traveling around the world.
There are two types of Mozzarella produced within the United States: Low moisture and high moisture. Low moisture Mozzarella has a moisture content less than 50% while high moisture has a content of over 52%. Low moisture is made specifically for transportation and mass production as the lack of moisture gives it a longer shelf life.
Cheese dishes can be found on every Continent served savory, sweet, melted, deep fried, and in Ice Cream. This household staple can still satisfy any craving after thousands of years.
4% – is the percentage of all Cheese being sold that ends up stolen.
1,400 pounds – is the weight of a block of Cheddar Cheese delivered to the White House once by President Andrew Jackson.
2 – is the number of hours it took for 10,000 visitors to the White House to finish the block of Cheddar Cheese.
17th Century – is the period in which they started dyeing Cheese orange to fool people into thinking the Cheese was higher quality.
½ – is the number of the total Cheese consumption in the world is of Gouda Cheese.
1,000 – is the estimated number of different French Cheeses.
1615 B.C. – is the year when the oldest known Cheese was discovered in China.
- Create a Charcuterie board using your favorite Cheeses to enjoy with friends. Try working in new and international varieties of Cheese you’ve never tried before. Check out Pinterest for ideas on Meat, Wine, and Veggies to serve with the Cheese.
- Take a cooking class and you may be surprised how many Cheese themed educational experiences there are. In the class learn how to make your own Cheese at home. The take a drink class and learn how to make the perfect drink and what food pairings to serve with the drink. Research and prepare a new Cheesy dish. With workshops, in person classes, and free online tutorials there are a lot of ways you can learn to enjoy Cheese.
- Whether traditional comfort food like Mac n Cheese, Cheesecake, or Cheesy Bread there are countless Cheese recipes to try. Why not try a new twist on a family recipe or search the internet for the latest Cheese trend.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates