Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: June 24th, 2022. Would you check out the following holidays and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for Charlie and I we are planning on sitting out both Holidays as we don’t care for Strawberry Parfaits or Catfish while David likes both. Do you?

National Strawberry Parfait Day
Because Strawberries are in Season during June, it only makes sense that National Strawberry Parfait Day is celebrated in June when fresh Strawberries are available in abundance. Strawberry Parfait originated from France in the late 1800s. The oldest recipe dates back to 1892. The French version of Parfait consisted of Custard made from Sugar, Eggs, Cream, and Syrup. All these ingredients are boiled and cooked to a thick consistency. The Parfait was eaten as is but, later on, Fruit was added to the recipe to counter the rich and creamy texture. Many people enjoyed Strawberries in the Parfait as the sweet and tangy flavor of the Fruit complemented the Parfait. Soon, globalization took the recipe to other parts of the world and, today, Strawberry Parfait is a much-loved dessert.
The U.S. version of the dessert involves putting a dash of Liquor or Chocolate into the recipe. Healthier versions of the recipe call for the substitution of Whipping Cream and Ice Cream with Yogurt instead. You can make your own Strawberry Parfait at home and you can start by collecting fresh Strawberries from local farms. Combine all the ingredients in a container and stick the Parfait in the freezer. Make sure to stir your mixture infrequently in order to get that perfect Parfait texture. Because Strawberry Parfaits are so popular, special tall glasses were invented for serving Parfaits so that they are also a visual treat.
- Use this holiday as an excuse to eat Strawberry Parfait for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can also have a Strawberry Parfait as a midday snack. If somebody objects to you having too much Strawberry Parfait, feed them some and they may change there minds.
- One of the great things about Strawberry Parfait is how easy and simple Parfaits are make. There are no elaborate steps you need to follow. Just follow your heart, combine all the ingredients, and stick the Parfait into the fridge to eat cold.
- Parfaits come in all shapes and flavors and this is a great excuse to celebrate the recipes by inviting family for a get-together. Everyone can make Strawberry Parfaits with there own creations to suit there individual tastes.
- Strawberries are the only fruits that have seeds on the outside. Blooming Strawberries extremely fragrant.
- Strawberries that are growing and blooming give off a sweet aroma.
- Ancient Romans believed Strawberries were a miracle Fruit with medicinal properties, which helped with depression and fever.
- Traditionally, Berries have their seeds on the inside, like Blueberries or Grapes, but Strawberries are in a group of their own.
- Studies suggest that Strawberries can help reduce the chances of heart diseases and certain Cancers.
- Strawberries are one of the ultimate Summer fruits. Strawberries bloom bright, red, and juicy. Strawberries sweet taste mingling with the slightest tanginess brings many childhood memories of Strawberry Fields and Summer Winds.
- Strawberry Parfait has come a long way, literally and metaphorically. Strawberry Parfait has traveled from the streets of France to the rest of the world. Many recipes, unique to each region according to the Culture, exist today, and each of them is delicious in its own way.
- Strawberries are rich in Vitamins, Minerals, and Folic Acid, amongst many other things. Other ingredients of the Parfait do have their pros and cons, but substituting them with healthier choices like Yogurt and Nuts make for a better choice.
Facts about Strawberries :
- Strawberries are one of the only Fruits with seeds on the outside.
- Did you know the average Strawberry has 200 seeds.
- The ancient Romans believed that Strawberries alleviated symptoms of melancholy, fainting, all inflammations, fevers, throat infections, kidney stones, bad breath, attacks of gout, and diseases of the blood, liver and spleen.
- To symbolize perfection and righteousness, medieval stone masons carved Strawberry designs on altars and around the tops of pillars in Churches and Cathedrals.
- In parts of Bavaria, Country folk still practice the annual rite each Spring of tying small baskets of Wild Strawberries to the horns of their Cattle as an offering to Elves. They believe that Elves, are passionately fond of Strawberries, will help to produce healthy Calves and an abundance of Milk in return.
National Catfish Day which falls on June 25th brings a host of amazing facts and benefits related to the Catfish. Did you know the Catfish gets its name from the long barbels that hang on either side of its mouth, much like the whiskers of a Cat. Many people are not a big fan of eating Fish in general because of the Fishy smell and taste. While many others enjoy Fish, either cooked or raw. I would like to share a fact with you. Catfish is one of the highest consumed Fish species in America. You can have Catfish breaded, fried, or grilled over coals and served with tangy Fruity Salsa. Apart from Catfish great taste, Catfish farming has also led to a stable income for many Fish farmers as well as providing for a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of food.
The first National Catfish Day was celebrated in 1987 after President Ronald Reagan’s proclamation in his speech. It’s true that ‘Catfish’ is a strange subject to be included in a Presidential Speech, but one must acknowledge the reasoning behind the speech. During the 1980s, Catfish production was growing in the United States. The food was becoming popular, and so was the stability of the income source that Catfish Farming was allowing Fish farmers. Congressman Mike Espy realized the potential the growing industry had. With the help of other Congressmen, President Ronald Reagan strived to introduce the Fish as part of the Military meal given to Soldiers at luncheons. Further push in favor of the industry also led to Espy submitting the National Catfish Day commemorative bill. President Ronald Reagan’s efforts also boosted his popularity during elections, further increasing the growing demand for Catfish all over America.
Catfish belong to the Ray-finned Fish family. This species is usually a bottom feeder, which means Catfish will feed on the bottom of a water body, although Catfish can still be trained to become a surface feeder. Catfish reduced gas bladder and a rather heavy- and bony head help them to sink easily. Catfish come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but most will have a cylindrical body. Because of the ease involved in breeding Catfish, Catfish Farms take up one-third of all finned Fish in America. Channel Catfish and Blue Catfish are the most sold species. Catfish have a variety of health benefits including high Vitamin D. Catfish pairs well with Cajun Spices, but at the same time, Lemon and Butter help in developing and bringing out the flavor of the Fish. You can also enjoy Catfish in sandwiches and in baked Pasta recipes..
- Celebrate the holiday by eating Catfish for one or more of your meals. You can have the Catfish grilled, baked, or fried. The Catfish can be in a Salad or a Sandwich.
- That which is old and familiar is comfortable, no doubt. But the new brings with it a sense of adventure and new facets. This is your chance to take up the opportunity to try a new Catfish recipe.
- If you have the opportunity then today is a perfect day to visit a Catfish Farm to get in on the action. Learn all about the life cycle and habits of Catfish from the experts.
- Fish are extremely social as they form relationships with other Fish, benefitting from them for food sources.
- Contrary to popular belief, Fish have great memories because they remember the humans who gave them food or the Animals who helped them find food.
- There are about 30,000 species of Fish that have been identified, but Scientists believe there are more types of Fish yet to be discovered.
- Using acoustic sounds underwater, Fish belonging to the same species can communicate with each other about eating and mating habits.
- Fish have around 27,000 taste buds all over their body which means that Fish can taste even without opening their mouths.
- Catfish is one of the most consumed Fish in the history of America. In many ways, Catfish food items have become part of the traditional American spread that can be found on school menus, Military luncheons, and restaurant menus.
- You can learn a lot about the history and culture of a Country by looking at its food items, and Catfish consumption in the U.S. is no different. Catfish brought in revolutions in the Fish farming world by stabilizing the Country’s economy. It also played a huge role in Mike Epsy’s monumental Congress Bill and his election win.
- Catfish is quite versatile when it comes to serving Catfish as a dish. You can have Catfish in a variety of ways, be it in Salads or Burgers. Because of the inherent health benefits of Catfish, you can have Catfish even when dieting.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates