Food Holidays: June 23rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: June 23rd, 2022. Did you know today is National Pecan Sandy Day a Cookie from the Kebbler Company. Did you know the last time we’ve gone Grocery Shopping I’ve almost purchased a bag of Pecan Sandy’s and since today is a holiday celebrating these Cookies it might be time for me to purchase a bag. Would you like to have Cookies and Milk with me?

National Pecan Sandy Day

National Pecan Sandies Day is celebrated on June 23rd every year. Whether you say it as ‘pee-can’ or ‘peh-kahn,’ we give you all the reasons to be excited about Pecans. Did we mention these are a type of Cookie? Cookies make everything better, so we don’t doubt that Pecan Sandies will have you coming back for more. What is a Pecan Sandy, and what’s with the name? The Sandy (or ‘Sablé’) is a type of Sugar or Shortbread Cookie. The word ‘Sablé’ is French, meaning ‘Sandy,’ due to the crumbly texture of the Cookie, which comes from the Sandy, Breadcrumb-like texture when mixing Flour and Butter. The name also works because of the sandy color of the Cookie. The traditional Pecan Sandy has a toasted Pecan pressed into the Cookie and is garnished with a flurry of Powdered Sugar. Furthermore, since this is a type of mildly sweet Shortbread Cookie, which melts in the mouth and goes with a glass of cold Milk.


Though there is not much information to be found about the first time National Pecan Sandies Day was recognized as a holiday, the origins of the Sandy itself can be somewhat traced. The name ‘Sandies’ was registered by the Keebler Company which most of us know is an American Cookie manufacturer as a brand name in 1955. Keebler Cookies used the name for their line of Shortbread Cookies. Keebler Company introduced the Pecan Sandy then and, later on, added other variations. It, therefore, seems likely that Pecan Sandy was popularized by the company and perhaps that is how the sweet treat came to have a day of its own.

However, we can trace the origin of the Sandy all the way back to Medieval France 1670 where the ‘Sablé’ the French word for ‘Sandy’ was first created in the region of Sablé-sur-Sarthe, in the Western part of France. Some say that Pecan Sandy originated from sweet treats of Medieval Arab cuisine because, in Countries like Malaysia, it is referred to as an ‘Arab biscuit’.

Other world cultures have very similar Cookies to Pecan Sandies, which are generically called ‘Snowball Cookies’ and have their own specific names depending on their Country of origin.

Differing from Pecan Sandies only in shape, Snowball Cookies are rolled into balls and doused with Powdered Sugar resembling Snowballs and contain Pecans as part of the Dough. Snowballs are also known as ‘Mexican Wedding Cookies,’ ‘Russian Tea Cakes,’ and ‘Danish Wedding Cookies.’ Whatever the Country of origin, though, we are sure glad Pecan Sandies exist, and that Pecan Sandies continue to be a favorite for people around the globe.

5 Fact about Pecans:

  • If our body does not get enough Zinc, our body may have difficulty producing testosterone a key hormone in initiating sexual desire in both men and women. Pecans provide nearly 10 percent of the recommended Daily Value for Zinc.
  • Did you know it would take 11,624 Pecans, stacked end to end, to reach the top of the Empire State Building in New York City?
  • Texas adopted the Pecan Tree as its State Tree in 1919. In fact, Texas Governor James Hogg liked Pecan Trees so much that he asked if a Pecan Tree could be planted at his gravesite when he died.
  • Albany, Georgia, which boasts more than 600,000 Pecan Trees, is the Pecan capital of the U.S. and Albany hosts the annual National Pecan Festival, which includes a race, parade, and a Pecan-cooking contest, along with the crowning of the National Pecan Queen and other activities.
  • Pecan Trees usually range in height from 70 to 100 feet, but there is some Pecan Trees that grow as tall as 150 feet or higher. Native Pecan Trees or those over 150 years old have trunks more than three feet in diameter


  1. =Not only will your house smell amazing a great trick for an open-house = or before having guests,, but these easy-peasy Cookies can be ready in 20 minutes depending on the recipe you choose. And the variations are countless, so you can get creative too.
  2. =We feel that the Pecan just does not get its due recognition, so why not see for yourself how amazingly versatile Pecans can be. Step aside Walnuts, we have a new nut to experiment with be it sweet or savory, there’s something for every palate. Drizzle Pecans with Caramel for a satisfying dessert addition, or toast and toss Pecans into a Salad for that buttery crunch. Maybe plan an entire Pecan-themed meal.
  3. =For folks in the U.S., many States have their own Pecan festivals = do some quick research and get on board with the festivities. If your State does not have a Pecan festival, why not plan a trip to another State with a Pecan festival to make your road trip extra extraordinary.


1. Pecans have the highest amount of antioxidants than other tree Nuts and Pecans are a great source of Zinc.

2.Because of the nutritional properties of Pecans, they do great things for our body.

3. Did you know Countries like Canada, Australia, and Britain all have their own Pecan festivals.

4. Albany, Georgia, has more than 600,000 Pecan Trees and is officially the ‘Pecan capital’ of the U.S.

5. Did you know ‘Pecan’ is a Native American term used to describe nuts that needed stones to crack them.


  1. I don’t know about you but for me Cookies make the world go round especially the thought of freshly baked Cookies and the smell of the cookies lingering in the house is enough of a reason to celebrate. The best part is Pecan Sandies = have so many variations that no one can claim to be immune to all of the recipes.
  2. =Pecans are one of those Nuts that = often go unnoticed when compared to Almonds, Cashews, or Walnuts. The proven health benefits and taste of this delicious Nut makes it worthy of high praise.. The world needs to know about Pecans, and what better way to promote Pecans than through the Pecan Sandy.
  3. With the U.S. being the world’s largest producer of Pecans which is 80–90% of the world’s Pecan crop Pecans are an important American crop, which makes Pecans a valuable livelihood source for many communities in the Central and Southern parts of the U.S. So it makes sense that this Nut is to be celebrated, bringing people together through the festivities as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates