Food Holidays: June 19th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: June 19th, 2022. Today is National Martini Day and since I am not James Bond I believe I will pass on this drink because I am not familiar with Gin. While Charlie is to young to drink and has to sit the holiday out as well if David could and he was home this evening he might want a Martini or two. In the meantime do you like Martinis if so what flavor and why?

National Martini Day

I have a question for you. Do you prefer your Martini dry, dirty, shaken, or not stirred? That’s the question being asked on National Martini Day, a holiday to enjoy our favorite version of the classic Martini Cocktail. Did you know the Martini was originally called “The Martinez,” named after the California Gold Rush for the town of Martinez, where the Martini was invented. Early Martinis were made with Wine, Gin, and an Olive. But Martinis have expanded to many exciting flavors! June 19th take a moment to relax while sipping on a new flavor of Martini after your long day. They you may start feeling like the international spy of mystery that you are.


  1. = If you haven’t made your self a Martini at home try one of the recipes online to test create the classic Martini. If you already are a Cocktail master, take today to try out a Martini you’ve never tasted. There is Espresso Martini, Cranberry Martini, and many more as the possibilities are endless.
  2. Call or text your friends for an after work meet-up. You will get bonus points if you can find a Cocktail Bar with a Piano and a lounge singer, because the only thing that makes drinking a Martini better, is drinking it in the proper lounge setting.
  3. Today is the day to purchase Cocktails ingredient and mixers or glasses and bring them over to a friends house. The enjoyment of drinking Cocktails is truly about the company you keep.


  1. If you’re not a fan of Gin then you might have some trouble loving a Martini, but if you like Gin, the Martini is the essential drink to highlight the flavor of Juniper Berries complimenting it with new and interesting flavors including Grapefruit or Espresso.
  2. You only need eight things on hand to make a Martini: Ice, a Martini glass, a shot glass, a shaker, a strainer, Vermouth, Gin, and a garnish. Its so simple you can make Martinis at home: and today is the perfect day to try out making a Martini at home as you can celebrate National Martini Day.
  3. Martinis conjure up all sorts of images of high class ladies, James bond spies and adventure. You should take advantage of this and have a Martini party or outing themed specifically towards the fun that automatically arrives when you order a Martini.

Five Facts about the Martini:

  1. A classic Martini is Gin or Vodka, with a splash of dry Vermouth French-white and an with a Olive or Lemon twist garnish.
  2. Italian immigrant bartender Martini di Arma di Taggia in New York City is said to have invented the Martini around World War I.
  3. If a Martini is shaken it is said to be ‘bruised’ or watered down. Many say stirring the Ice will help chill the Martini without adding Water to the mixture.
  4. Many think the Martini is derived from a British-made rifle called a Martini & Henry used by the English Army in the 1870’s because of its ‘kick’.
  5. It has been said that John D. Rockefeller ‘brought the Martini to Wall Street’ thus establishing the ‘3 Martini lunch’. Which I would pass on because I don’t drink that much and you would fine me three sheets to the wind under the table. How about you?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates