Good morning, how are you? Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: July 13th its National French Fry Day the perfect day to make Homemade Fries and its what David is fixing for Charlie and I. Would you like to join us for French Fries this morning?

National French Fry Day on July 13 is a great opportunity to take the time to sample golden-brown Potato slices. Did you know the origin of French fries is more than likely not French at all?
Potatoes were being fried in Belgium way before the French, but more on that later. When it comes to the tastiest French Fries on the planet, everyone seems to have an opinion.
It’s a time-consuming decision to find your favorite French Fries because no two restaurants seem to have the same recipe. French Fries do have a nutritional stigma attached to them, however, due to high-Caloric and fat content. But it’s tough to say no to a hot batch of French Fries — even the ones at the bottom of the bag.
When is National French Fry Day 2021?
Crinkle-cut, English style, or McDonald’s famous fries, French fries are enjoyed and celebrated on National French Fry Day on July 13. What is your favorite style of French Fry and why? For me its Homemade but if I can’t get that then I love Crinkle Cut Fries from Braum’s but if McDonald’s Fries are fresh there yummy to.

History of National French Fry Day
Estimates say Americans eat around 30 pounds of French Fries per person each year. That seems like a lot, but when you think about all the ways you can eat French Fries, it adds up quickly.
French Fries are easy to gobble down, whether they’re straight out of a fast-food French-fry container or whether you’re an expert at preparing French Fries at home. Add in all of the different condiments, and these Potatoes become even more popular.
The term ‘French fries’ refers to deep-fried slices or strips of Potatoes. While the precise origins are unknown, French Fries hit the culinary scene sometime in the 1700s. It had taken an entire century for Potatoes to become widely accepted as food, arriving in Europe in the 1600s.
Like most iconic foods, the French Fry has an interesting folk story about how it was created. Belgians call dibs on the origins of French Fries, claiming it to be an invention of their people.
According to a manuscript by Joseph Gerard, the residents of the Meuse Valley, located near Dinant in Belgium, consumed a lot of Fish, since they lived near the river.
During Winters, when the Rivers would freeze and fishing would become difficult, the idea to slice Potatoes like Fish Fillets and fry them in hot fat was born.
But all credit does go to the French for popularizing frying foods and selling them in public on street carts called ‘frites,’ in the mid-1700s. Eventually, Potatoes were cut in all sorts of shapes and fried.
As to how French Fries arrived in America, there are two versions of that story, too. The more popular and accepted fact is that Thomas Jefferson brought French Fries to the U.S.A.
While serving time as an Ambassador, Jefferson spent a lot of time in France and went on to serve “Potatoes served in the French manner” at a White House dinner in 1802.
The other theory is that World War I soldiers who were stationed around Dinant in Belgium took a liking to the local finger food known as ‘pommes frites’ and took the idea back with them. This is when French Fries really took off and became mainstream in the U.S.
Five Facts About French Fries:
- French Fries are, perhaps, poorly-named, since they originate in Belgium and are most popular in America.
- In England French Fries are referred to as “chips”
- Though French Fries were invented in Europe, the Potatoes, from which they are made, originated in the Americas and were imported.
- Leaving the Potato skin on French Fries actually leaves in important Vitamins that are lost if the skins are peeled away.
- The first occurrence of French Fries in America may have been at a diplomatic dinner hosted by Thomas Jefferson.
Recipe: for French Fries

1 Potato of your choice I like to use Red Potatoes and David likes Idaho, cut into evenly sized strips 1 quart Vegetable Oil (of your choice I use Canola Oil or Vegetable Oil) for frying Salt and Pepper to taste (which I don’t use} Unless its Seasoning Salt or Garlic Salt to give the Fries a different taste.
Step 1
Soak Potatoes in a large bowl of water for about 30 minutes. Pat dry thoroughly with paper towels.
Step 2
Heat Oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 275 degrees F (135 degrees C). Gently add the Potatoes in the hot oil for about 5 minutes, stirring and flipping the Potatoes occasionally. Remove Potatoes from oil with a slotted spoon to drain on paper towel and to cool completely.
Step 3
Heat Oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Fry the Potatoes again until golden brown, 5 to 6 minutes. Blot with a paper towel. Sprinkle with Salt to serve.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates