Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: January 6th, 2022. It’s National Chopstick Day and with it being so cold outside and everyone under the Weather I might surprise David and Charlie and order Chinese food for dinner this evening. Then make them eat with Chopsticks which is going to be a whole lot of fun. Before you ask if I will also be using Chopsticks the answer is no, I don’t care for Chinese Food and most likely will make me a Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Would you like to join me for dinner, or would you prefer Chinese food with David and Charlie?

National Chopsticks Day– #NationalChopsticksDay
National Chopsticks Day is held every year on February 6th. Is it just us, or can you practically smell Stir Fry and Steamed Rice? A large part of the world’s population uses Chopsticks as their utensil of choice. People in China have been deftly using Chopsticks since 1200 B.C. where they were first used to cook before they became a popular tool with which to eat across East Asia. Every time you use a Chopstick to eat, you engage over 50 different Joints and Muscles. Not only do you use your fingers and wrists but your arms and shoulders too.
Five facts about Chopsticks:
- In Old Chinese Chopsticks are called Kuaizi roughly meaning “quick little bamboo fellows.”
2. Over a quarter of the world’s population uses Chopsticks as their primary utensil for eating.
3. The first Chopsticks were probably used for cooking, stirring the fire, serving or grabbing bits of food, and not as eating utensils.
4. Chopsticks shapes and lengths very from region to region. Generally Chinese versions are tapered with blunt ends. Japanese are shorted and more pointed.
5. Chopsticks in music: Have you played Chopsticks on the Piano? It’s original name is” The Celebrated Chop Waltz.” Composed by Arthor de Lulli (pseudonym of Euphemia Allen.) in 1877. In Russia it is known as the “Cuplet Polka”
Chopsticks originated in China 5,000 years ago. According to Historians, people typically cooked food in large pots that worked well to retain heat. However, it meant waiting a long while for the food to cool before one could dig in. Famished eaters discovered a way around the painful waiting period by breaking twigs off trees to retrieve bits of food. The twigs evolved into the Chopsticks we love today.
The events that transpired in 400 B.C. also created a need for the use of Chopsticks. Since food was scarce during this period, cooks would chop food into small pieces to cook quickly and save fuel. It made the use of knives at the dining table redundant where Chopsticks could pick up bite-sized pieces of food and Chopsticks, became staple utensils. Chopsticks were so popular that by 500 A.D. people in Japan, Korea, and present-day Vietnam also began using Chopsticks.
The first Chopsticks were made out of Bamboo and looked like tweezers because the CHopsticks were joined at the top. They were also known as Tong Chopsticks but by the 10th Century, the design evolved into the two separate pieces we’ve come to know today. Children in most Asian Countries and adults in others use the Tong Chopsticks as training Chopsticks.
Soon, two distinct designs emerged. Chinese Chopsticks were usually rectangular with blunt ends and around 10 inches long whereas Chopsticks used in Japan were rounded, shorter, and came to a point.
People in the English-speaking world know these utensils as Chopsticks, a name that came from the expression “chop-chop” meaning fast in Chinese Pidgin English. The original Chinese name for them however has way more character where they’re called ‘kuai-zi’ or ‘quick little fellows.’
- To make the day extra special, prepare an Asian recipe and use Chopsticks for cooking and dining. Use CHopsticks to serve, and taste. For anyone looking to learn how to use Chopsticks today is the best day to start.
- Get the kids involved in a Chopsticks challenge today. Have them pick up small objects with Chopsticks only and put them in a bowl. The one with the most items in the bowl without dropping anything wins.
- Make reservations at your favorite Asian restaurant and indulge in their recipes or visit the nearest Asian Market and pick up Chopsticks to dine with at home.
- Although restaurants serve Dim Sum round the clock, Dim Sum is traditionally enjoyed for breakfast or brunch.
- Dim Sum serving is small on purpose to encourage groups of diners to try different varieties.
- One of the most popular Dim Sum varieties is an Egg Tart with Custard filling in a Pastry Crust.
- Yum Cha’ – a Cantonese tradition of drinking Tea is incomplete without a side of Dim Sum.
- In traditional Dim Sum restaurants, waiters will roll out food on heated carts for diners to choose from.
- Chopsticks are so much more than a means to eat. Chopsticks represent moments in Asian History. Chopsticks also offer deep Cultural insight.
- It takes time and effort to learn how to use Chopsticks and being able to use Chopsticks is a skill we get to show off on National Chopsticks Day.
- We get to satisfy our craving for Chinese takeout or Japanese Sushi. Whether it’s Spring Rolls and ‘Sashimi’ you’re after, use today as an excuse to use Chopsticks.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates