Food Holidays: January 27th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: January 27th, 2022. Today is National Chocolate Cake Day a Holiday I can sink my teeth into. I think I will send David to the store to pick up a Chocolate Cake for me. Even though Charlie and I can prepare a Chocolate Cake in Charlie’s Homecoming Class. Keeping my kitchen clean. If you aren’t busy this morning, would you like to come have a slice of Chocolate Cake and a glass of Milk with us?

National Chocolate Cake Day

Image result for national chocolate cake day
There is no, explanation needed for this morning. Let them eat Cake ie Chocolate Cake for lunch, breakfast and dinner. Today through the Diet out the window and have your favorite Chocolate Cake. For me that is the Cake I used to make when Suzzane was here.

Chocolate Cake with Pecans in the Cake and Chocolate Pecan Icing or I could do a Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake and yes, you heard me say Mayonnaise. Although if I would like to have a slice of my all-time favorite Chocolate Cake this morning i would be a Chocolate Spice Cake. Have you ever had this?


Ever heard of Lavender-infused Truffle or a Mexican Chili Chocolate Cake? If not then this morning would be the perfect time to try a slice of it. You can do like Charlie and bring out your inner gourmet Chef and incorporate an exciting ingredient in your Chocolate Cake. Although Charlie and I would like to know why you would want to mess with perfection?

Become the Next Cake Boss
Take a Chocolate baking class to learn to make the perfect Chocolate Cake and to make the cake more fun bring a friend with you. “muscles” for an enlightening culinary experience.

Indulge In Your Cheat Day
Today is the day to throw your diet out the window and indulge in your guilty pleasure by making a trip to your Bakery or Restaurant that serves your Chocolate Cake.

Chocolate Cake is the most memorable baked good of all time.

We can all reflect on our past Birthday celebrations and reminisce about the Cake we had. Cake and Chocolate are ingrained into American culture as symbols of celebration. No matter how you slice it, Chocolate Cake might be the most memorable guest of any party.

It’s Just The Right Chemistry
Cake evolved from early leavened Breads, which were sweetened with natural ingredients like Honey, Fruit, and Nuts and then expanded to include ingredients like Vanilla and Chocolate. It’s the simple combination of ingredients, most notably Chocolate, which work harmoniously to trigger our brain’s natural production of Opiates, which help alleviate pain and increase our positive feeling of well-being. It’s clearly the perfect combination of both simple and sweet.

It Leaves Us Smitten
Chocolate triggers the release of Serotonin and Endorphins, which are Neurotransmitters for happiness and pleasure. It also contains Phenylethylamine, which elevates our mood when feeling happiness or love.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates