Food Holidays: February: Great American Pie Month

The Mommies Reviews

Now might not be the right time to go on my diet as I found out this morning when getting ready to share Food Holidays: February: Great American Pie Month. I don’t know about you, but I love Pie and if it’s a month to celebrate Pie then you know when I go grocery shopping, I’m going to want to pick up an Apple Pie for me and Pecan Pie for David. Would you like to have Pie with us?

Great American Pie Month

If you thought you’d escaped the Holidays without adding weight, settle in and grab a pair of sweatpants because February is Great American Pie Month. Let’s never say ‘‘bye, bye’’ to American Pie. Pie is a beloved American dessert and its as versatile as they come. Apple, Cherry, Pumpkin, or Peach, possibilities are endless. Pie from Pastry Dough, which we’re sure you’re aware, of is as American as baseball. Pie is one of the ultimate comfort foods, Pies are enjoyed all over the Country. February is the month to share a slice of Pie or a recipe with your friends.


A Pie as an entity has been around for thousands of years. In Ancient Egypt bakers used to fill Bread Dough with Honey, Fruit, and Nuts and serve it to the Pharaoh. There are drawings depicting this on the Tomb Walls of Ramses II.

The first Pie to be eaten in the United States was in 1620, when the Pilgrims brought them their favorite family Pie recipes with them to America. These were English-style, Meat-based recipes.

The first Pumpkin Pie was recorded in a Cookbook in 1675 and became popular in the 1800s. It’s our love for a Sweet-tasting Pie that makes an American Pie distinctive. Over the years pie has become woven into our Culture as a symbol of tradition and the home. This is backed up by the fact that July 4th, our Nation’s Birthday, is one of the most popular days to eat Pie.

By 1990 our love for Pie had blossomed so much that the Great American Pie Month was declared to be February.


  1. A Quiche is a savory Pie whose filling is based on an Egg-based Custard and is for experimentation. Popular ingredients to include in breakfast Quiches include Bacon, Sausage, Mushrooms, Kale, Goat Cheese, and Garlic.
  2. Pies aren’t singular in their format. A Pie with no bottom pie is a Cobbler. A Pie baked without the use of a baking pan is a Galette. A two-crust Pie uses the Dough to completely encase the filling.
  3. There are so many variations of Pies to cook! If the idea of Apple Pie is unappealing, try Meat, Key Lime, or Buttermilk Pie.


  1. Pies with Crusts were known as ‘‘coffins’’, while Pies without were ‘’traps.’’
  2. Large and short-sided Pies are known as Tarts, and tiny pies are Tartlets.
  3. In the early days, Pies were only used as a vessel to cook the fillings, not to be eaten.
  4. In the 13th and 16th Centuries, Pies held live Birds, Frogs, and Dwarfs for entertainment purposes.
  5. The first Pie recipe was published by the Romans for Rye-Crusted Goat Cheese and Honey Pie.


  1. The versatility of the Pie is unrivaled and has become a huge part of American Culture. The term ‘‘as American as Apple Pie’’ proves that Pie is arguably the Nation’s favorite dessert.
  2. Pie Crusts were created to replace appetizing things as wet mud or leaves. Dough not only allows ingredients to remain fresh but also retains the juices created in the baking process.
  3. Just like Eggs and Bacon are for breakfast, Pie is always for dessert in a sitcom.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates