Food Holidays: February 7th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

This is National Grapefruit Month which takes me back to my childhood. My parents were on Weight Watchers a lot when I was growing up and we would have Grapefruit for breakfast. Even though I didn’t care for Fruit I had to eat it. Then we would head to school and sometimes we would eat breakfast there.

For our beverage we would end up with a cup of Grapefruit Juice which I liked the taste of. When the other kids found out I liked Grapefruit Juice they all gave me there’s to drink so they wouldn’t have to drink it and wouldn’t get into trouble for wasting it.

As an adult I am not sure if I would like Grapefruit or not because it’s been so long since I’ve had one. But I did purchase Grapefruit Juice the other day and both David and I enjoyed the taste and will purchase it again. I just wish Charlie would try it because it is good for him.

National Grapefruit Month

Image result for National Grapefruit Month

We are in the middle of Winter, so why not brighten up the dreary day with a splash of color? Maybe ruby red or perhaps oro blanco (white gold).

Can you guess what we’re talking about? No, you can’t. Well, it’s Grapefruit of course. I wanted to remined you February is National Grapefruit Month. This is a good reminder for us to consider the health and nutritional benefits of Grapefruits. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grapefruits are grown all over the world. China, the United States and Mexico are the world’s leading producer of Grapefruits.


  1. With so many varieties and hybrids of Grapefruits to choose from, you’re sure to find one that’s pleasing to your palate.
  2. There’s a host of easy-to-make recipes including Grapefruit. Including Grapefruit Salad. Or add Grapefruit to your Chicken dish for a Caribbean-style treat.
  3. The Grapefruit has a relatively short but very interesting history. Find out where Grapefruit comes from and share the knowledge with your family.


  1. Grapefruits are a good source of Vitamins A and C. Grapefruits help us maintain our Immune systems and the Nutrients they contain protect our skin and our eyes. Grapefruit is also loaded with Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium. Grapefruits are low in calories!
  2. Red, white and pink grapefruit are the most popular and the flavors run from super acidic and sour to sweet and tart.
  3. Grapefruit Juice makes a perfect mixer for some of our favorite beverages including Sea Breeze and the Salty Dog.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates