Food Holidays: February 26th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: Food Holidays: February 26th, 2022. Did you know today is National Pistachio Day? I don’t know about you but Charlie and I will be sitting this Holiday out as we don’t care for Pistachios which David loves. How about you. Do you like Pstachios?

National Pistachio Day

Image result for National Pistachio Day!

Sometimes great things really do come in small packages like Pistachios which are known as the “happy nut” in China and the “smiling nut” in the Middle East. Pistachios have a unique, small shape but pack a powerfully nutritious punch. Aside from having a great smile, Pistachios are a vibrant green nut. Pistachios let you snack your way to good health by containing as much protein as an egg per serving and a myriad of other nutrients.

Pistachios are part of a very nutty, yet irritating family of plants, the evergreen family, which includes Mangoes, Pistachios, Cashews, and Poison Ivy! Aside from their curious genealogy, Pistachio’s incredible health benefits sure give other nuts a run for the money! Stock up on Pistachios because today February 26th we celebrate Pistachios with National Pistachio Day. An excuse for Pistachio lovers worldwide to snack on their favorite nut.

Five facts to know about Pistachio:

  1. Pistachio nuts are a member of the Cashew family and are closely related to Mangos, Sumac, and Poison Ivy.

2. Iran produces more Pistachios than any other Country in the world with over 200k tons per year.

3. In Asia Pistachios are often referred to as ‘green Almonds & the ‘happy nut’. In Iran Pistachios are called the ‘smiling nut.’

4. Male Pistachio Trees are alternate bearing, meaning they produce heavier crops every other year.

5. All Pistachio Shells are naturally beige in color. Many companies dye inferior nuts red or green.


  1. Try and go nuts today by adding Pistachios to every meal/recipe. Pistachio Nuts have powerful flavor that can elevate a sweet or savory dish. Start off with Pistachio Pancakes, then for lunch Pistachio, Pomegranate, and Arugula Salad. For dinner enjoy Pistachio encrusted Salmon. For desert Pistachio Gelato.
  2. Think of ways to food swap some of your not-so-good snacks with Pistachios and introduce your friends to Pistachios. Pistachios are healthy, delicious, and by wrestling them from their shells, they help down your food intake? Pistachios might be the golden (green) ticket to helping you keep those new year diet resolutions.
  3. Pistachios will make your heart smile too. Heart-healthy Monounsaturated Fat makes up the majority of the fat in Pistachios. Pistachios decrease bad cholesterol and even lower your risk of heart disease.


  1. One of the oldest flowering Nut Trees, Pistachios have been enjoyed by humans for at least 9,000 years. Pistachio are even one of two Nuts mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible (Genesis 43:11). Clearly, Pistachios have a history of good taste.
  2. Pistachios may be small but they’re nutritional powerhouses. Pistachios are one of the top three healthiest Nuts you can eat! Pistachios are relatively low in calories. They contain more than 30 different vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients as well as a mix of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber. Snacking on Pistachios will help keep you fuller longer. Pistachios provide you with a serious nutrition boost. They’re an epic power snack.
  3. In China, Pistachios are known as the “happy nut” because their cracked-open shell makes them look like they’re smiling. Pistachios are known to be a symbol of health, happiness, and good fortune. Pistachios are often given as a gift during the Chinese New Year.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates