Food Holidays: February 13th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: February 13th, 2022. Today is National Itlain Food Day and if David didn’t have to go to work this morning, I would have asked to go to olive Garden so I could have Lasagna but that is out.

I can’t make Lasagna for Dinner this evening because Chalie is making Shack N Bake Pork Chops which I will not complain about because this free’s me up to get my work done. Would you like to join us for dinner this evening? I am sure there will be plenty.

National Tortellini Day

Image result for National Tortellini Day

Tortellini the pasta of legends. As the story goes, the Goddess Venus had come to stay at a Tavern in the Italian City of Bologna. The owner, trying to spy on the Goddess Venus through the keyhole, was only able to see her navel. He was so inspired by the sight that he rushed to his kitchen and created the navel-shaped Pasta we now call Tortellini. Now these Pasta pillows are adored by Pasta lovers all over the world. On February 13th, whether you enjoy Tortellini with Butter and Sage or Prosciutto and Parmesan, today is the day to celebrate National Tortellini Day.


  1. Making your own Tortellini isn’t difficult. This can be a wonderful afternoon project that leads to a delicious dinner.  You can take a class or watch a video to learn how to make Tortellini.
  2. Not only will you find Tortellini in most of the Italian restaurants in your City you will find Tortellini on many other menus, as well.  Each Chef has their own take on what to stuff Tortellini with. Along with what sauce to use. Have fun trying all the options your City has to offer.
  3. What better way to bring a great group of friends together than with a Pasta dinner?  Make a variety of Tortellini with different Stuffing’s and Sauces. Or you could invite your guests and ask the guest to bring a different Tortellini dish. Whichever you choose, good friends, good food, and good wine will guarantee you a fun night.


  1. Although you can make Tortellini yourself, Tortellini can be purchased fresh from a Grocery Store near you.  Cook Tortellini quickly in a pot of boiling water and top it with your favorite Sauce. Or mix Tortellini into a Salad. Any way you like it, Tortellini can be part of a delicious meal that’s ready in just a few minutes after a long day.
  2. IIn general, Pasta can provide your body with a versatile source of Carbohydrates, which are an important energy source for your body.  If your Pasta is made with Whole Wheat, it may also contain fiber, which can aid in digestion, help reduce cholesterol, and stabilize your blood sugar levels.  Tortellini stuffed with Meat or Cheese can provide a more fully rounded nutritional option.
  3. Tortellini is among the most versatile of Pastas. The traditional filling for Tortellini is a mixture of Meats seasoned with Parmigiano-Reggiano and Nutmeg and served in a Capon Broth, but there are also many other popular versions stuffed with different Cheeses, Meats, or Vegetables like Pumpkin or Brussels Sprouts.

National Italian Food Day#NationalItalianFoodDay

Five Facts about Italian Food

1. It was not until the 1700’s that Tomatoes were first found in Italian dishes.

2. The ‘essential’ ingredients in Italian food include: Olive Oil, Garlic, Basil, Oregano, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Parmigiana, Capers, Tomatoes, Sausage and Pasta

3. An average Italian meal is divided in two parts, primo piatto & secondo piatto; the primo include a Pasta or Risotto; the secondi includes any meat and fish meals, complemented by a Contorno, a side dish of vegetables.

4. The Italian dessert, Tiramisu, which is Ladyfingers dipped in Coffee, layered with Mascarpone Cheese and Egg Yolks then flavored with Liquor and Cocoa roughly translates to “pick-me-up.”  Did you know that Ladyfingers did not appear until the late 1960’s and in the U.S. by the early 1980’s.

5. Italians prefer their pasta cooked ‘al dente’ literally meaning “to the tooth.” The Pasta should be a bit firm, offering some resistance to the tooth, but tender.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates