Food Holidays: December 29th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: December 29th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today. Then leave me a comment down below and let me know which Holiday you most want to check out and why.

Food Holidays: December 29th, 2022
Food Holidays: December 29th, 2022

National “Get on the Scales” Day

Weight Loss Tips

Instead of eating straight out of the box, pre-portion your snacks into small individual baggies. If your not sure how much a serving size should be always check the ingredients on the back of packages and it will tell you how much to eat at one time.

Skip dessert and instead have a roll in the hay with your honey. Healthy sex may also help control the amount of food you eat.

Be sure to stock some Red Pepper Flakes in your pantry. When eaten early in the day, Red Pepper can reduce the amount of food you consumer later.

Many of us hit the gym and eat right during the week but cut loose on the weekends by indulging in Fast Foods or Fried Foods and trading in workouts for sleep. Be healthy seven days a week by planning your weekend ahead of time.

Who said healthy foods have to be boring? Puree Peaches, Pears and Berries. Spread the mixture on Wheat Pita for a healthy and delish treat that’s perfect for Spring or Summer!

National Pepper Pot Day*

National Pepper Pot Day is meant to celebrate a Soup that was nicknamed ‘The Soup That Won The War.’ The War here refers to the American Revolutionary War for independence from Britain. The Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup is a thick Soup made up using Beef Tripe, whatever Vegetables are available, and of course, Peppercorns. This Peppery Soup has a long history and probably originates from the Caribbean. The Soup was brought over to America by enslaved people, who later sold the Soup in the streets.


The Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup was not unknown before the American Revolutionary War (also known as the American War for Independence). This thick Soup made of Tripe, Vegetables and seasoned heavily with Pepper could have been brought to the U.S. by people enslaved from the Caribbean Islands.

The Soup was made popular by African-American Philadelphians who would sell it right out in the street. The traditional recipe is said to have had Cassava as well as the Soup thickener.

According to popular retellings of the story, Pepper Pot Soup became central to the American Revolutionary War efforts because of Christopher Ludwig. Christopher Ludwig was the baker general of the Continental Army and a German immigrant to Philadelphia.

Christopher Ludwig worked in Philadelphia, which is likely how he knew the food of the City. Christopher Ludwig was a staunch supporter of the American Revolution and was a great friend of President George Washington. Christopher Ludwig was even given a certificate of conduct due to his service to the army. Christopher Ludwig efforts were invaluable and appreciated so much that his certificate was handwritten by President Washington himself.

During the War, in 1777, Winters were harsh, and the farmers refused to sell food to the Continental Army, and instead sold it to the British. Christopher Ludwig was the baker general, which meant that his primary task was to bake Bread for the troops. But in this scenario, with no Grain to eat insight and faced with the prospect of starvation, George Washington put Christopher Ludwig in charge of feeding his men. Christopher Ludwig presented the Pepper Pot Soup.

Pepper Pot Soup was what the Army ate to survive that Winter, and it’s how Pepper Pot Soup earned the nickname ‘The Soup That Won The War.’


  1. Choose a recipe online and make your very own version of Pepper Pot Soup that won the war!
  2. Visit Philadelphia grab a bowlful of Pepper Pot Stew!
  3. Host a lunch and have your guests bring their versions of Pepper Pot Soup.


  1. John Lewis Krimmel’s 1811 painting included Pepper Pot Soup.
  2. Pepper Pot Soup is mentioned in a book about Harriet Tubman by Catherine Clinton called “Road to Freedom.”
  3. The Army became better after 1778 surviving the Winter on Pepper Pot Soup .
  4. Guyana has a similar dish and there is one of the national dishes of Guyana.
  5. Christopher Ludwig had a taste in Philadelphia streets then remembered the Soup in the harsh Winter.


  1. In the winter, there’s nothing like a thick bowl of Soup to warm you up!
  2. With a history like this Soup that won the War, Pepper Pot Soup has got to be special, correct? Masking people want to try it.
  3. We love celebrating the Country’s diverse food and does it get more diverse than an adaptation of a Soup from the West Indies by a German immigrant? I don’t think so.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates