Food Holidays: December 13th, 2022

Holidays The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: December 13th, 2022. Today is National Popcorn String Day. Were thinking about putting our Christmas Tree out on the Balcony. I wonder if Popcorn would hurt the Birds and Squirrels?

Food Holidays: December 13th, 2022: National Popcorn String Day
Food Holidays: December 13th, 2022: National Popcorn String Day

National Popcorn String Day

It’s so funny that there is a Holiday dedicated to Stringing Popcorn because we were able to get a free Christmas Tree from @Walmart last night. We didn’t have a Tree Stand or decorations. As we were coming home I asked David if we had Popcorn, String and Cranberries they we would be able to decorate our Tree the old fashioned way.

Which I don’t know about you but I can’t remember ever stringing Popcorn onto a Tree. Have you?

I need to invite my sister and my niece Lily and Jason over to help me string Popcorn which we will need plenty of because I am sure a lot of the Popcorn will end up being eaten.

I wonder if we could use Food Coloring to color the Popcorn which would be a Science project for Charlie in his Homeschool Class.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates