Food Holidays: December 12th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: December 12th, 2021. It’s National Popcorn String Day which is perfect with Christmas right around the corner. I wonder if I could get Charlie and David to sting Popcorn with me for our Christmas Tree. If not, would you like to come string Popcorn with me?

National Popcorn String Day

Image result for National Popcorn String Day

Here are Four Steps of How-to String Popcorn on a Christmas Tree:
1. Make at least one large size bowl of popcorn. Although, if you’re like me you might need a bowl to work out of and one bowl of Popcorn to snack on. Otherwise, you might not have enough Popcorn for the Tree.
2. Thread the needle without cutting the thread from the spool.
3. Start stringing one popcorn at a time by inserting the tip of the needle into the center of each piece.
4. Carefully hang the Popcorn Garland onto your Christmas Tree. As for us I want to make a Garland for the Tree and also the Fireplace which I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates