Food Holidays; August 9th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays; August 9th, 2022 with you. Today is Rice Pudding Day which Charlie and I will pass on. Although David likes to have Grits for breakfast. I wouldn’t be surprised if David wouldn’t eat Rice Pudding. How about you?

National Rice Pudding Day

All a lot of people can think of is a bowl Rice Pudding because this is National Rice Pudding Day which falls on August 9th every year. For many of us, starting from our childhood to adulthood, Rice Pudding has been a staple in our diets. Made with a base of Rice cooked in Milk and sweetened with Sugar, Syrup, or Honey, Rice Pudding can be found in many Cultures and cuisines all over the world.

Of course, each region has its own unique take on Rice Pudding. Some people add Nuts or Spices like Nutmeg, Cinnamon, or Cardamom to Rice Pudding. While others throw Rice Pudding in a dash of Wine to give the Rice Pudding that wow factor. For a more fragrant look and feel, many people in the Middle East also add Pistachio slivers and Rose Petals before serving Rice Pudding. You can have Rice Pudding hot or cold. As a breakfast dish or a dessert after dinner.


National Rice Pudding Day celebrates the ancient Rice Pudding in all its glory. While we may know the sweet version of Rice Pudding. Did you know that Rice Pudding actually started out as a savory treat? It is difficult to pinpoint the exact location and time of the creation of Rice Pudding, but many scholars believe Rice Pudding may have originated in either ancient China or in ancient India. Both these Countries have a long history of including Rice as well as Sugar in their religious and cultural activities, so it only makes sense that the combination of the two may have been included in their cuisines as well.

‘Kheer,’ which is Hindi for Rice Pudding, was first recorded in ancient India in 6000 B.C., and Rice was included as a staple in a prescribed Ayurvedic diet regime. It is also interesting to note that the early versions of the Indian rice Pudding did not actually include Rice or Sugar. In place of Rice, Indians made use of the Cereal Grain known as Sorghum.

Elsewhere in the world, Rice Pudding was being made with Rice. The Grain had reached Europe through exports delivered by Water or the Silk Road in the 1300s. Because Rice was being exported from Asia and was not being grown in Europe, Rice automatically became extremely expensive. Rice Pudding could only be enjoyed by the elite and royalty of European Countries.

Before the 1500s, Rice Pudding was savory in nature and was made with Rice being boiled in a Broth with Saffron and Almond Milk. Chefs started including Sugar into Rice Pudding to make it sweet. Soon Sweetened Rice Pudding started gaining popularity. It was in the Eighteenth Century that Rice Pudding became more commonplace and less expensive, all thanks to Globalization. The lowered Rice prices meant the Grain was in easier reach of the masses, and in today’s world, Rice is considered to be a cheap, but filling meal.


  1. Take a trip down memory lane. Prepare your favorite Rice Pudding recipe. Because of its versatility, you can choose to have Ric hot or cold. For breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Rice Pudding is one of the highest-rated comfort foods out there because of its gooey, yet grainy texture that leaves one filled with love and warmth.
  2. Participating in a Rice Pudding competition is one of the best ways to celebrate the holiday. There are two ways you can do this. Hold a Rice Pudding cooking competition or you can have a Rice Pudding eating competition. Whether you choose one, two, or have both, it’s going to be a fun-filled day.
  3. Going back to what is tried and true can be comforting, but seeking out the new can reward you with new experiences. Try new Rice Pudding recipes which could be sweet or a savory. The choice is yours.


  1. The Great Wall of China is held together with Sticky Rice that has been mixed with calcium carbonate.
  2. White Rice comes from Brown Rice, and this is because the White Rice has the brown coating of Bran removed.
  3. Rice is grown everywhere except Antarctica because of the Continent’s extremely cold temperatures.
  4. Rice, when stored in a cool and dry environment, will be good to consume for the next 10 to 30 years.
  5. Rice contains several minerals and antioxidants ,Rice is great for our health, particularly for our skin.


  1. Rice Pudding has come a long way in terms of development which has been enjoyed by millions for Centuries. With easy-to-make recipes and a enjoyable taste, Rice Pudding is loved by many all over the globe.
  2. A look into ancient history will reveal a lot of information on how people led their lives in order to ensure healthy and peaceful living. One historical overview of Rice Pudding allows us just that benefit of looking into how human civilizations utilized a single Rice Pudding recipe in their daily lives.
  3. Rice is a staple food item for many Countries in the world. In fact, 50% of the world’s population consumes Rice on a daily basis. Apart from helping our skin stay smooth and supple, Rice also aids in healthy hair. Rice is good for our overall health. Rice keeps our tummies filled and happy.

Five facts to know about Rice Pudding:

  1. Hundreds of millions of the poor spend half to three fourths of their incomes on Rice and Rice only.
  2. Did you know Rice is the staple diet of half the world’s population.?
  3. More than 90 percent of the world’s Rice is grown and consumed in Asia, where people typically eat Rice two or three times daily.
  4. Rice farming has been traced back to around 5,000 BC.
  5. To plow 1 acre of land in the traditional way, a farmer and his Water buffalo must walk 80 km.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates