Food Holidays: August 3rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: August 3rd, 2022. I’ve grown up with my family eating Watermelon in the Summer. Red for my dad and yellow for my mom when they could find it. Always with Seeds never Seedless. You would think I would like Watermelon but I don’t. How about you?

National Watermelon Day

Did you know that Watermelon is 92% water? No wonder Watermelons are so refreshing! People have been digging into Watermelon for millennia and it all started in Ancient Egypt. It’s said that Watermelon cultivation began in the Nile Valley as early as the second millennium B.C. Watermelon Seeds were even found in King Tut’s tomb! On August 3rd, we celebrate this ancient Berry otherwise known as National Watermelon Day.


There’s nothing like beating the heat with Summertime’s most refreshing Fruit, the Watermelon celebrated on National Watermelon Day on August 3rd.


The Watermelon deserves its own day, which is why we celebrate National Watermelon Day. Cultivation of the Watermelon dates back to 2000 B.C., with the first Watermelon harvest on record occurring approximately 5,000 years ago in Egypt. Traces of Watermelon and its Seeds have been discovered on sites of the 12th Egyptian Dynasty, including in the Tomb of King Tutankhamen. Paintings of different types of Watermelon have also been found in ancient Egyptian inscriptions. 

The Watermelon we enjoy today is the result of mutations over the course of a thousand years of cultivation. Watermelon Seeds were sold to traders passing through the trade routes in the Kalahari Desert in Africa. From there, the cultivation of the Watermelon spread across Africa. The origin of the progenitor of the Watermelon was in Africa, after which it spread into Mediterranean Countries and other parts of Europe. By the end of the Ninth Century, Watermelon cultivation became common in China and the rest of Asia. 

According to “The Dictionary of American Food and Drink” by John Mariani, the word ‘Watermelon’ first appeared in the English dictionary in 1615. The Watermelon is commonly known as a type of Melon, but it is not in the genus Cucumis. The outer rind of a Watermelon is dark green with yellow stripes or spots. Over 300 varieties of Watermelon are available in the U.S., ranging from red to white, and come in different shapes and sizes.


Watermelons are enjoyed in all shapes, sizes, and colors on National Watermelon Day. Delightfully sweet and tasty, Watermelons are the go-to Fruit for Summer. No picnic is complete without Watermelons. Best enjoyed outdoors, Watermelon-eating contests and Seed-spitting contests are a tradition. Watermelons consist of 90% Water, Smoothies, Sherbets, Cocktails, and other beverages are concocted from Watermelons, today. There is desserts featuring Watermelon as the main ingredient.

Did you know learning how to pick a ripe W atermelon is an art and a tradition. Many people utilize National Watermelon Day as an opportunity to educate themselves or others on how to tell whether a Watermelon is ripe or not.


92% – is the percentage of a Watermelon that is Water.
1,200 – is the estimated number of varieties of Watermelon available.
85% – is the percentage of Watermelons sold today that are seedless.
350.5 – the weight in pounds of the world’s heaviest Watermelon grown in 2013.
$100 – is the starting price of square Watermelons. I think I’ll pass. How about you?
2007 –  was the year when the Oklahoma State Senate made Watermelon its official State Vegetable.
85–100 –is  the number of days it takes for most Watermelons to mature.
300 – is the number of types of Watermelons grown in the U.S.
9–10 – is the sweetness measurement of most Watermelons on the Brix scale.
75 feet – is the record distance for spitting Watermelon Seeds held by Jason Schayot. How far can you spit a Watermelon Seed?


Typically, the best time to purchase Watermelons is between the months of May and September.

Watermelon is available year-round, it’s just the varieties available that differ. 

Watermelon is 90% Water.


  1. Watermelons are mostly made of Water. What if you replaced some of that Water with Vodka? Organize a boozy celebration with your family by cutting a hole in a Watermelon, inserting a funnel and pouring in Vodka. T
  2. It’s no surprise Watermelons are in the same family as the Pumpkin and you can carve Watermelons, too! Unleash your creativity by carving a Watermelon Rose, or a Watermelon basket.
  3. The Japanese have Watermelon splitting down to an art. In the game of Suikawari similar to a Pinata, but without the Candy and paper mache players are blindfolded, spun around three times and given the chance to crack open a Watermelon with a wooden stick. Instead of Candy, you get Watermelon guts in your face.


  1. Watermelon rinds are mostly discarded, but the Rinds are actually edible and full of nutrients with great health benefits.
  2. There are 1200 different Watermelon varieties but the four main classifications are seeded, seedless, yellow, and Icebox.
  3. The Guinness World Record for the heaviest Watermelon ever was grown by Tennessee-based Chris Kent in 2013 and the Watermelon weighed 350.5 pounds.
  4. Watermelons are a great source of the Antioxidant Lycopene, which has been proven to reduce the risk of some types of Cancers like Lung, Stomach and Prostate Cancer.
  5. Did you know Farmers in Japan have been growing Watermelons in the shape of cubes for 40 years now? Achieved by cultivating Watermelons in square-shaped boxes. Watermelons in the shape of pyramids, hearts, and human faces have also recently been perfected and sold as novelty products.


  1. Did you know there are more than 1,200 varieties of Watermelon in the world? These Watermelons range from pink to orange, large to small, round to even square! If you ever find yourself in Japan, be sure to track down its famous “cubic” Watermelons.
  2. Watermelons cross all produce boundaries. Watermelons are a Fruit or a Berry, to be precise. Because Watermelons contain seeds to produce more plants. Watermelons are also a Vegetable, because Watermelons are planted from seeds and harvested like other Vegetables. Watermelons are a member of the Gourd family, meaning Watermelons are related to Squash, Cucumbers and Pumpkins.
  3. Did you know you can eat tons of Watermelon completely guilt-free. If your on a diet there is no need to worry! Watermelons are 92% Water, so you can not only dig in without feeling guilty you can also stay hydrated on a hot Summer day.

Five facts about Watermelons:

  1. By weight, Watermelon is the most-consumed Melon in the U.S., followed by Cantaloupe and Honeydew.
  2. Did you know the Watermelon is 92% Water?
  3. The first recorded Watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
  4. Watermelon’s official name is Citrullus Lanatus of the Botanical family Curcurbitaceae. Watermelon is Cousins to Cucumbers, Pumpkins and Squash.
  5. Did you know early explorers used Watermelons as canteens?

National IPA Day

Today’s IPA History:

  1. The first known use of Beer, “India Pale Ale”, IPA, was in Sydney, Australia 1829.
  2. IPA is consistently the top selling Craft Beer style in America. Representing around 18.4% of total Craft Beer sales.
  3. Double IPAs also referred to as Imperial IPAs are a stronger, very Hoppy variant of IPAs that typically have Alcohol content above 7.5% by volume
  4. American-style IPA is generally drier and uses American Hops to give an intense Hop profile with more Floral, Citrusy, Piney, or Tropical characteristics.
  5. English-style IPA is generally Maltier flavored brew that uses English Hops and Yeasts, giving a more Fruity and Herbal aroma with a lower ABV than American IPAs.

National IPA Day honors the Beer known as India Pale Ale on the first Thursday in August. This year, it falls on August 4th. National IPA Day is observed to raise awareness about one of the most popular types of Craft Beer in the World; the India Pale Ale, or I.P.A.

The IPA is a full-bodied, bold, and bitter Beer made with Hops and Pale Malts. It contains more Alcohol than the average Beer and is brewed with a variety of Hop Strains. Through several IPA tasting events, festivals, and other activities, I.P.A. Day brings together large and small Breweries, as well as Beer lovers and connoisseurs.


Ashley Rousten, Beer enthusiast and the Author of “The Beer Wench’s Guide to Beer: An Unpretentious Guide to Craft Beer” established the holiday in 2011. Some evidence suggests that I.P.As were brewed in England before being shipped to India. The name came from British Sailors who traveled to India as part of the East India Company in the late 1700s.

One of the reasons Sailors brought them on their journey was that brewing Beer in India was difficult due to the hot climate. Because Hops are a natural preservative, the Pale Ales had a higher Hop content, which helped them keep their flavor as they traveled from England to India. Porters were also shipped to India and California at the time, so it wasn’t the only Beer that could be shipped.

One of the first I.P.As to be brewed and exported to India was by George Hodgson’s Bow Brewery. Bow Brewery was two miles from the East India Docks, which made it convenient for traders. After losing their Russian markets, brewers in Burton, England, quickly began brewing Beer for export to India.

By 1840, I.P.As were in high demand in England. The Beer was widely brewed by 1860. The fad soon spread across the British Empire. Although their recipes had not changed, some Brewers in England began calling them Pale Ales instead of India Pale Ales. Before 1900, Breweries in the United States, Canada, and Australia brewed similar IPAs to those in England. Did you know IPAs, on the other hand, began to lose popularity around the 1900s?


  1. Drinking an India Pale Ale is the best way to celebrate India Pale Ale Day! Raise a glass to National I.P.A Day and celebrate with your family.
  2. Host a tasting party for India Pale Ale with your friends. You can even find a variety of India Pale Ales and sample them to choose your favorites.
  3. If you have time try your hand at making your own India Pale Ale to celebrate I.P.A. Day. You can purchase Starter Kits that include everything you’ll need to make your IPA.


  1. IPA wasn’t conceived in India.
  2. There is four types of IPA: English-Style I.P.A., Session I.P.A., Imperial (Double) I.P.A., and American-Style I.P.A.
  3. Did you know Dogfish Head’s Sam Calagione and Sierra Nevada’s Ken Grossman collaborated on the creation of an I.P.A-specific glass.
  4. Early I.P.As weren’t extremely strong.
  5. Double I.P.As don’t always mean twice as much Alcohol.


  1. IPA is unique and intriguing, with a flavor profile that differs from most Craft Beers. An I.P.A. has a fuller, Earthier flavor than a Lager or an Ale, giving IPA a unique appeal.
  2. I.P.A. is often referred to as the rebel of the Beer world; because IPA has a distinct personality. Other Beers don’t have the bitterness that I.P.As do. Bitterness is an acquired taste, but the bitterness adds a level of sophistication to the drink that sets it apart.
  3. An I.P.A. is a Hoppy Beer with more Alcohol than other Craft Beers. Brewers needed a way to keep their Beer fresher for longer on their journeys from England to India, so they created an I.P.A. To improve the Beer’s preservation, they added Hops.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates