Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: August 26th, 2021. Take a look at the Holiday being celebrated today and let me know if your going to celebrate it or not.
Charlie said he might not mind having a Cherry Popsicle but he would prefer Orange while I might eat Cherry but like Charlie I like Orange or my favorite Grape better than Cherry. While David says Cherry is the best. What do you think and why?

In the heat of Summer there’s nothing quite like a juicy, cool Popsicle to help bring down your temperature, and add a little fun to the day. The Cherry Popsicle stands out in red as the perfect representation of Summer fun. Cherry Popsicle Day celebrates this bright red banner of the Popsicle kind and encourages you to indulge in them shamelessly.
Learn about Cherry Popsicle Day
Popsicle is actually the name of a brand of tasty Frozen Juice, which is conveniently served on a stick. Nevertheless, these treats have become so popular that people all over the world have started to use the word ‘Popsicle’ to refer to all Frozen Juice Pops, whether they are from the Popsicle brand or not. There are many different brands all over the world selling these frozen treats, and of course, you can even make your own!
It’s interesting to note, though, that even though many people use the term Popsicle to describe these treats, the name is under copyright. If you do decide to make your own Popsicle, it’s probably going to be safer to call it an Ice Pop, especially if this somehow becomes your next big business venture.
Did you know that there is even a song called Cherry Popsicle? That’s right; Jann Arden released the track back in 2000.
History of Cherry Popsicle Day
Unlike many Culinary Treats, the origin of the Popsicle is definitively known, and an 11-year-old boy was responsible. He was preparing a Soda Pop out on his porch by mixing together the white powder with the Water.
In the absent-minded way of 11-year-olds, he left this concoction out on the porch and went inside, forgetting it was there until the next day. When he found the mix frozen the next day with the stirring stick in it, and the Popsicle was born!
But it wasn’t until 18 years later that the rest of the world would be introduced to this innovation. He decided to introduce the Frozen Pop on a stick at an amusement park in Belmar, NJ, called Neptune Beach.
The Frozen Pop was so successful that he immediately applied for a patent, and at the urging of his children named it the “popsicle”. Apparently, he would rather have called it a “Frozen Confectionery” or the more ostentatious “Epsicle Ice Pop”. Either way, Cherry Popsicle day exists to celebrate the amazing flavor of the bright Red Cherry Popsicle.
How to celebrate Cherry Popsicle Day
Popsicles are easy to make, so the best way to celebrate Cherry Popsicle Day is to create your very own! You can start with a easy variety, simply buying popsicle molds and pouring Cherry Kool-aid, sweetened to taste, in the molds and putting them in the freezer until solid. But for the truly adventurous, it doesn’t stop there!
Another fun way to celebrate Cherry Popsicle Day is by downloading the game Hay Day. This is the most popular farming game for tablets and mobiles, and it is available in 122 countries, so you should have no trouble playing this game on your phone.
Hay Day enables you to trade goods with your friends and neighbors, as well as tend to your crops, and learn the lay of the land. You are probably wondering what this has to do with Cherry Popsicle Day. Well, in order to unlock Cherry Popsicles in the game, you need to reach experience level 33.
So, why not see if you can reach that level and unlock the Cherry Popsicle? If you manage it, you can reward yourself with a real Cherry Popsicle.
There you have it: insight into Cherry Popsicle Day. No matter whether you decide to make your own Cherry Popsicle or you simply buy one from your local store, there is no denying that this is definitely a day to celebrate! After all, who doesn’t love an ice-cold Cherry Popsicle?
Five facts about Popsicle history:
- In 1905 in San Francisco, 11-year-old Frank Epperson was mixing a white powdered flavoring for Soda and Water out on the porch
- He left it there, with a stirring stick still in it.
- That night, temperatures reached a record low, and the next morning, the boy discovered the drink had frozen to the stick, inspiring the idea of a fruit-flavored ‘Popsicle’, a portmanteau of Soda Pop and Icicle.
- Eighteen years later in 1923, Epperson introduced Frozen Pop on a stick to the public at Neptune Beach, an amusement park in Belmar, New Jersey. Seeing that the Frozen Pop was a success, in 1924 Epperson applied for a patent for his “frozen confectionery” which he called “the Epsicle Ice Pop”.
- He renamed it to Popsicle, allegedly at the insistence of his children.
Recipe Homemade Cherry Popsicles

2 cups Cherry Juice
1/2 cup Sugar
In a small saucepan, combine Cherry Juice and Sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the Sugar is completely dissolved. Set aside to cool.
Pour the Cherry mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for 8 hours or overnight, until frozen solid.
Makes 4-6, depending on the size of the Popsicle molds
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates