Food Holidays: August 17th, 2021

Good evening welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: August 17th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

I love Vanilla Pudding just as David does but I am not sure about Vanilla Custard but David did say he likes it. As for Charlie he is like me and not to sure if he does or not.

National Vanilla Custard Day

National Vanilla... - Holidays That Might Get Overlooked | Facebook

There is nothing quite as delicious as Vanilla Custard, a rich creamy texture, with a light and delicious Vanilla flavor, Vanilla Custard just the perfect ending to any day.

Custards are one of the most amazing desserts and have been eaten on their own, or used to fill pies, and even injected into Donuts. Vanilla Custard Day celebrates this treat.

History of Vanilla Custard Day

Custard traces its ancestry back to the days of Ancient Rome, when Custard Tarts were incredibly popular in the Middle Ages. Vanilla Custard is a delicious treat, Custards weren’t just made as a dessert! You could find Fruit Custards, Fish and Meat custards, in just about anything you could think of! Custards are a diverse type of food well loved throughout the ages.

There’s a lot of different ways to enjoy your Vanilla Custard, which can be amazing with toppings. Whether it’s a simple scoop of Whipped Cream or a sprinkling of Raspberries, the subtle flavor of Vanilla compliments different food types. What can you come up with for a dessert? A Strawberry Vanilla Custard Pie? Ice cream with Vanilla Custard? Today is your chance to get creative!

How to Celebrate Vanilla Custard Day

G creative! You can start with a simple Vanilla Custard, but from there let your imagination and creativity speak! I’ve included a recipe to get you on your way.

Divine Vanilla Custard
3c Milk
8 Egg Yolks, Large
2/3c Sugar
1/4c Cornstarch
1/4t Salt
1T Butter, softened and unsalted
1t Vanilla

Take a large Saucepan and heat the Milk in it until it’s nearly boiling (but not actually boiling). While this is happening mix together the Yolks, Cornstarch, Salt, and Sugar until smooth.

Then add 1c Milk to this mix while whisking it constantly, and then transfer it all to the saucepan. Cook it over low heat until it’s thickened, stirring constantly, you might want to get an instant-read thermometer so you can check the temp.

Once it reaches this temp immediately pour it through a fine-mesh sieve, forcing it through quickly into a bowl. Then stir in the Butter and Vanilla, cover it with Wax Paper, and set it to chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Five Facts about Vanilla Custard

  1. Custard is a variety of culinary preparations based on a cooked mixture of Milk or Cream and Egg Yolk.
  2. Depending on how much Egg or thickener is used, Custard may vary in consistency from a thin pouring sauce (crème anglaise), to a thick Pastry Cream used to fill Eclairs.
  3. The most common Custards are used as desserts or dessert sauces and typically include Sugar and Vanilla.
  4. Custard bases may also be used for Quiches and other savory foods.
  5. Sometimes Flour, Corn Starch, or Gelatin is added as in Pastry Cream or Creme Patissiere.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates