Food Holidays: August 14th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: August 14th, 2021. Take a look at what is being celebrated today and let me know if you want to celebrate this food or not and why.

I don’t know about you but I’ve never cared for a Creamsicile and I might be the only person in my family who doesn’t like them. Because David and Charlie do just as Suzzie did.

August 14 National Creamsicle Day

Celebrate National Creamsicle Day | Ohayo Okasan

I scream, you scream, we all scream for National Creamsicle Day on August 14th! Every year on this day, one of the most famous frozen desserts in History is honored. Just in time, since were in the middle of the hottest month of the year ie August. Whether your making Ice Pops at home or listening for the music of the Ice Cream truck, its the perfect day to indulge in a cool, sweet treat.


Creamsicles date back to the early 20th century when Frank Epperson accidentally created what would later become known as the Popsicle. As the story goes, Epperson left a concoction of Fruit Juice and Water outside overnight when the temperatures dropped below freezing. When he found the frozen mix the next morning, with a stir stick frozen in the middle, the Popsicle was born.

Epperson first began selling his frozen Fruit Juice treats to classmates and then friends throughout his community. He marketed his Icy Treat as a “frozen drink on a stick.” Epperson was granted a patent years later in 1924.

This was perfect timing for Epperson, given the fact it was discovered that a couple of guys had been similarly experimenting with ‘Frozen Suckers’ as far back as 1872, which they called the Hokey-Pokey.

During the Great Depression, the Twin Popsicle was invented and sold for only a nickel. This allowed parents to buy one Ice Pop and have two children share a treat at an inexpensive price.

Today, the Creamsicle is a brand owned by Good Humor Company, a subsidiary of Unilever. Take a few minutes today to savor one of the Summer’s small pleasures and celebrate the history of the Creamsicle!

Five Facts Creamsicle

  1. Creamsicle is a brand name for a different frozen dessert also owned by Unilever.
  2. Again on the same flat wooden stick, it is made as a single flat bar with a rounded end.
  3. The center is Vanilla Ice Cream, covered by a layer of flavored ice. Creamsicle flavors include Orange, Blue Raspberry, Lime, Grape and Cherry.
  4. Creamsicle are available in several varieties, including 100 Calorie Bars, Low Fat Bars, No Sugar Added Bars, and Sugar Free Bars.
  5. Did you know the 50-50 bar is an alternative name for a Creamsicle.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates