Howdy!! How are you? I wanted to share our series sharing Food Holidays: April 6th, 2022. I would love to celebrate National Caramel Day!! Only problem is I don’t have any Carmel Popcorn? Do you happen to have any Carmel Popcorn you would be willing to share with me?

- Did you know Popcorn is made by boiling the Water inside the Corn Kernel? As the liquid Water becomes gaseous, it occupies much more volume and therefore causes incredible pressure in the Corn Kernel that causes it to explode into being inside-out.
- Unpopped Popcorn Kernels are called “old maids.”
- Americans consume 17 billion quarts of popped Popcorn annually, or 54 quarts per man, woman or child.
- United States Citizens consume more Popcorn than any other Countries.
- Being Corn, Popcorn that is unsalted, unbuttered, and otherwise unaltered is a healthy snack.
Popcorn is an amazing food, and a delightful treat, capable of being so many different forms of things. From traditional Buttered Popcorn to the colorful Saran wrapped Candy Popcorn Balls that used to be given out by little ol’ Grandmas everywhere at Halloween. This hot popped Corn treat has found its way into a wide variety of avenues within many Cultures. It is even possible to find strung Popcorn Garlands adorning Christmas Trees.
But this particular Holiday is dedicated to that very special form of Popcorn, a favorite of people everywhere for over a hundred years.
History of National Caramel Popcorn Day
Caramel Popcorn would not be the same without the addition of Caramel, which has a long history. In fact, Carmel history can be traced back more than a thousand years to when Arabs first discovered the treat by crystallizing Sugar in boiling Water.
But the history of Popcorn goes out much further, about 10,000 years ago when Corn was domesticated in what is now Mexico. Some evidence suggests that Corn was popped as early as 4700 BC.
By the 19th Century, Corn was popped on the stovetop by hand. The term “Popped Corn” was first recorded in 1848 in John Russell Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms.
Caramel Popcorn’s history goes back 150 years and came to pass during a period where there were a number of patents being passed in the US that all had to do with adding Candy to Popcorn. This treat became so popular in the 100 years after its creation that Caramel Popcorn shops guaranteed a steady supply of income to those who invested in one.
During this time, it wasn’t unusual to see vendors of this delicious treat on busy street corners, where Streetcars and Bus lines came through. Eventually it found its way onto the Midway and has been a staple of Carnivals ever since.
By 1893 Cracker Jack had been invented in Chicago by brothers Fred and Louis Rueckheim who debuted Cracker Jack at the World’s Fair that year. The Rueckheim brothers named this snack Cracker Jack because that was the declaration that one of their customers exclaimed about how delicious it was.
There is something about combining the Buttery Sugar goodness of Caramel with the light airy nature of Popcorn that just creates an amazing flavor combination. As if the richness of well-made Caramel wasn’t enough, often Cracker Jack has accents added to it in the form of Peanuts, Almonds, Cashews, and Pecans!
The sticky nature of Caramel Corn lends itself well to forming balls before the Caramel sets. Then you can throw a drizzle of Chocolate over this.
How to Celebrate National Caramel Popcorn Day
Enjoying and celebrating National Caramel Popcorn Day can be a load of fun. Did you know there are a variety of ways National Caramel Popcorn Day can be observed. Try out some of these delightful ideas or come up with some of your own:
Purchase Caramel Corn
Of course, National Caramel Popcorn Day is the perfect opportunity to try this treat. Even if it is just going out and buying a bag of Carmel Popcorn from the local Grocery Store.
If it is a little difficult to find anywhere nearby that makes Carmel Popcorn fresh, it’s okay! Another viable option is to try Cracker Jack. With Cracker Jacks combination of Caramel Covered Popcorn mixed with Salty Peanuts, Cracker Jack has set a standard for what Caramel Corn should be. Another brand of Caramel Popcorn that is popular with Americans is Fiddle Faddle.
Make Caramel Popcorn at Home
For the braver soul one suggestion would be trying to make Carmel Popcorn from scratch. The simplest way, of course, is merely to buy a bag of Kraft Caramels from the Grocery Store, with Pop Corn.
Then, go ahead and melt the Caramels in a double boiler. Pour the resultant rich silky material over the Pop Corn, shaking to prevent the Pop Corn from sticking together.
Or, for a more traditional version of Caramel Popcorn, try finding a Caramel Corn Recipe online that includes Brown Sugar, Butter, Corn Syrup and Baking Soda.
Host a National Caramel Popcorn Day Party
After working out how to make Caramel Corn, the next step would be to invite friends to celebrate this Holiday. Have everyone bring their own recipes for Caramel Corn. Another delightful idea is to try decorating using Popcorn that is strung on strings.
Try Garrett’s Popcorn in Chicago
If you have the opportunity head back to the birthplace of Caramel Popcorn and enjoy Classic Garrett’s. Garrett’s first shop opened originally in 1949, Garrett’s has been known for creating Caramel Popcorn for more than 70 years. Not only that, but their signature recipe is a combination of Caramel Popcorn and Cheddar Cheese Popcorn mixed together.
Garrett’s now has more than fifty shops all over the globe, including Singapore, UAE, Malaysia, Hong Kong and many others. Their delicious Caramel Popcorn products can be ordered online.
Take Caramel Popcorn to the Next Level
For those who could use some inspiration, consider trying to look at existing recipes for Caramel Popcorn varieties including Amish Caramel Corn,.
Try choosing a variety of different additions to a Caramel Popcorn recipe, including Chocolate Chunks, Cereal or M&Ms. Other ideas include adding flavors including Kahlua Liqueur, oe White Chocolate. But it is just a bar to rise above, bringing personal innovation to this treat. Mix up a bag, take it to the office, and share it with your c Co-workers.
Fun Fact:
Caramel popcorn or “Caramel Corn” used to be directly associated with Halloween for Trick or Treaters.
Popcorn is Scientifically known as Zea Mays Everta.
The Wyandot Popcorn Museum is the largest collection of restored Popcorn memorabilia.
International Carbonara Day

However, there is debate among Pasta enthusiasts as to the true specific ingredients for this recipe.
Traditionalists say that only Pork Tongue not Bacon or Pancetta should be used. They are also adamant that Pecorino Cheese, not Parmigiano, is a main ingredient.
And just as you will find different variations of Carbonara, which is served in restaurants, there many theories of how Carbonara came to be.
Some say Carbonara originated from Charcoal makers, other refer to the underground Italian insurgent fighting for independence as the creators of Carbonara. And yet, others turn to American Soldiers serving in Rome during the Second World War who mixed their scrambled Eggs with Pasta. Recently the feat was claimed by Renato Gualandi, a Chef from Bologna who said he created Carbonara in 1944 to celebrate Riccione being freed by enemy forces. Renato Gualandi used Bacon, Cream, Processed Cheese and Dried Egg Yolk. Being Wartime fresh produce was limited and food was rationed.
New Beer’s Eve
Once upon a time, the Beer lovers of the United States were very sad. The government ratified the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, banning all intoxicating Liquors, including Beer. Which was the beginning period of American history we now know as Prohibition. However, in 1933, the government saw the light and President Roosevelt ended Prohibition. The date was April 7th, so now we celebrate New Beer’s Eve each year on April 6th!
- Today is the day to grab your friends and head out for a Beer.
- We know there are always new Craft Beers popping up in the Market. If you’re like me you’ve looked at them, and you’ve considered purchasing these Beers, but instead you’ve gone with a familiar Beer. Why not make this the day you try something new?
- Since you’ve purchased new Beers, so why not invite everyone over for a New Beer’s Eve bash?
- Craft beer has plenty of Silicon in it, which helps build and maintain strong bones.
- India Pale Ale is supposed to be everyone’s favorite Beer or maybe not, but India Pale Ale is the most popular Craft Beer in America.
- George Washington, Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison all brewed their own Craft Beers at home while in office.
- “Cenosillicaphobia” is the fear of an empty Beer glass
- Beer is the world’s most widely consumed Alcoholic beverage
- Every year, Bars around the Country celebrate New Beer’s Eve with specials. Which could be two for one Brews or dollar Beers.
- In addition to specials, Brewers release new Beers on this Holiday each year.
- Often, we learn the dry, dull facts of our Country, rather than the fun stuff. Picturing President Roosevelt kicking back with a Beer just brings a smile to our face.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates