Good morning, here I am a day behind again. Oh well, I’m trying and that should count shouldn’t it? Now that that is out of the way let me share our Daily Bizarre and Unique Calendar Holidays – April 5th, 2021.
Yesterday was Deep Dish Pizza Day which Charlie could have prepared in Cooking Class. Because all three of us enjoy making Pizza’s but I didn’t know what it was and would have went to the store to purchase the ingredients.
Which would have allowed me to get in Walking at Walmart. Charlie would have went on a Field Trip and gotten PE done as he would have been walking. As well as reading and math while gathering the items up he needed for the Pizzas he would be making.

On this day major Cities have a culinary specialty that they’re known for. Chicago, Illinois is famous world-wide, for it’s Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza.
These pizzas are so great, Chicago couldn’t keep the recipe a secret. Nowadays, you can get a deep dish pizza almost anywhere in the U.S., and in many parts of the world, too.
Many people say Chicago makes the best pizzas in the world. So, it only stands to reason, that the best deep dish pizza is only made in Chicago. Have you ever visited Chicago and had one of there Pizza’s? We haven’t but this is a place we should visit one day.
Did you know today people all over the world celebrate Deep Dish Pizza Day. I have no doubt about what you will do today, to savor and enjoy this special holiday.
Deep dish pizza was created in 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. Ike Sewell, founder of Pizzeria Uno was the creator. A deep dish pizza recipe calls for a deep, buttery, and crunchy crust.
If you follow the original recipe, and we hope you do, the cheese is on top of the dough, and the sauce is on top of the cheese. You can add any other toppings, as you prefer.
Did You Know? The first pizza was made in the country of Greece…. not Italy.
Celebrate today with a Chicago style deep dish pizza, with any and all of your favorite toppings.
Related Holidays: Check out these other Pizza Holidays

Also spelled Dingus Day, is a fun Polish Holiday. The Holiday is very popular in Poland, as well as in Polish communities across America. After the long Lenten holiday, Dyngus Day is a day of fun. And, perhaps a little romantic fun. It is always celebrated on the Monday after Easter.
The Irish traditions and celebration on Saint Patrick’s Day is well known. For those of Polish decent, Dyngus Day is a similar day of fun, parades, drinking and festivities.
Before you ask no, you do not have to be Polish to enjoy Dyngus Day. Rather, consider yourself Polish for the day. Then join in on the fun. You’ll be glad you did.
this is the perfect day for me. Because even though I hate to admit it I am broke. If truth is told Charlie is as well. Although, David could have some money I am not positive about that because he surprised Charlie and I with dinner last night.

Are you a gambler? Then, today, is your day. It’s Go for Broke Day. Today is a day to put it all on the line, and take a chance. This might be money or it can be a love relationship. For those of us who work it could be time time to initiate a risky project, or to take a new job.
Many of us go about our daily lives playing it safe, not taking big chances. If your of a conservative ilk, you may have never gone out on a limb, or taken big risks. If this sounds like you, maybe today is a day to really let loose and “Go for Broke Day“.
If you can muster up the courage to take a big risk, you can enjoy today by taking big risks and “Go for Broke Day“. We will leave it up to you to decide whether the risk is worth taking. For me personally I believe I will just play it safe. How about you?

Any plant as versatile and durable as the dandelion, deserves a special day set aside to honor it. We all know of dandelions as weeds in our lawns. To kids, the dandelion is a flower to gather and bring home to mom. But, dandelions are oh so much more than just a weed.
Even many gardeners think of Dandelions as a weed. Knowledgeable gardeners know better. Dandelion leaves are edible, they’re savored in soups and salads.
Dandelions are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D and they can be used in making wine and for tea, too. Native Americans used Dandelions for medicinal purposes.
Celebrate National Dandelion Day in many ways. Eat your lawn…..use this special day to introduce yourself to the joys of eating dandelions. However, it is taboo to pull dandelions or treat them like a weed today.
As for eating them if they were in my yard I would have to pass because we have dogs and we all know what they do in yards. Do you have Dandelions in your yard? Would you eat them?

If you and your family are thinking about going on a road trip? Why not dust off those old paper Road Map and plot a course to get away!? Before you say well I don’t have a paper map you can pick them up at Travel Centers.
Nowadays we use a GPS to go from point A to point B. Which has completely outdated the paper Road Map our parents used. GPS has taken a bite out of the popularity of online road maps like Mapquest.
Road Map and online travel maps are not totally obsolete. They still have a useful function, or they wouldn’t exist. You can find paper maps through state and local travel bureaus, state and local visitor centers, and rest stops along major highways.
Read a Road Map Day encourages us to take a step back in time perhaps, and discover the value that Road Map still have. Our GPS gets us to our destination in the quickest and shortest manner. Is your trip about the destination or the journey?
Road Map can help us identify and plot routes that makes the journey a really pleasant experience. There is so much to discover along the way. You can identify small and interesting towns or historic sites along the way that are passed by on today’s superhighways.
As we researched Read a Road Map Day, it became obvious that something was missing. If you are looking at a road map it’s because you are contemplating a trip.
It only makes sense then, that there should be a “Read a Road Map Day”. There was no such special day. So, we created it! See Take a Road Trip Day.
Did you learn how to read a Map in school? Back in Junior High History class I did and I loved looking through the map and finding hidden Parks and things to visit. Imagine doing this with your child and setting out on a day long journey.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates