Food Holidays: April 3rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: April 3rd, 2022. Today is National Chocolate Mouse Day and I am not sure I’ve ever had a Mousse. But today would be a great day to try one if only I could find one in our Grocery Store. Because my knee isn’t going to let me stand in the kitchen and cook.

National Chocolate Mousse Day

Image result for National Chocolate Mousse Day
  1. The word Mousse is French and translates as “froth” or “foam.”
  2. Cold dessert Mousses are often poured into decorative glasses and garnished with Fruit, sweet sauces, or Whipped Cream.
  3. Savory Mousses can be prepared using Fish, Shellfish, or Meat.
  4. There are three key constituents to a Mousse: base, binder, and aerator.
  5. Mouse can be served hot or cold and are often squeezed through a piping bag onto some kind of platform to be used as Hors d ’Oeuvres.

Fun Fact:

Savory Mousse recipes were an 18th Century French achievement. Dessert Mousses especially Fruit Mousses began to appear much later, in the second half of the 19th Century.

The first written record of Chocolate Mousse in the United States comes from a Food Exposition held at Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1892.

Chocolate Mousse came into the public eye in the U.S. in the 1930s, about the time Chocolate Pudding Mixes were introduced.

Why Chocolate Mousse Day?

National Chocolate Mousse Day is to share a delicious dessert, which is reported to be originated from France in the 18th Century though Chocolate was introduced in the 16th Century.

Mousse is a semi-solid prepared by agitating Eggs to form a foamy structure. It is further added to a freshly prepared cream to make a consistent ingredient for Preparing Chocolate Mousse.

Chocolate is an all-time favorite dessert for almost everyone. However, we should remember that excessive consumption could result in heartburn because of its constituent’s “theobromine”, which seriously leads to Oesophageal diseases and Obesity issues. Chocolate consisted of Oxalate, which may result in Gallbladder Stone and dental issues, especially in the Children.

Let us enjoy this day by consuming chocolate confined within limits to make our day still more splendid.

How you can Celebrate National Chocolate Mousse Day:

Let us celebrate this Holiday by presenting a Greeting Card made up of Chocolate to our loved ones. Use the Hash Tag #CelebrateChocolateMousseDay when posting on Twitter. Try a new recipe for Chocolate Mousse and post your picture on Instagram

Facts About Chocolate Mousse Day:

Chocolate Mousse can be prepared in consistent density without the use of an Electric Mixer. But nowadays the use of electrical mixers simplifies the work. There are many varieties of Mousse available on the Market. All are with different combinations of Milk Chocolate to Dark Chocolate. From savory to sweet. Fish, and Meat can be added as ingredients in a Savory Mousse. Vanilla and Rum add more taste to the Chocolate Mousse.

Earlier, Mousse was named as “Food of Gods”. People of Maya, Aztecs related Cocoa with human Sacrifice. Aztecs made Chocolate drinks along with Human Sacrificial blood.

About 100 grams of Chocolate consisted of 546 calories, which includes 59% of Carbohydrates, 8% of protein and 30% of fat and remaining are for flavor. Cocoa Seeds have a bitter taste and fermented for a long time, dried, and roasted. Thus, called Chocolate Liquor.

Sweet Chocolates can be prepared by using Cocoa Solids, Vegetable Oils, and Sugar. Milk being added in Milk Chocolate. Sweet Mousse is prepared with Whipped Egg Whites, Cocoa, Coffee, and Caramel.

History of Chocolate Mousse Day:

Chocolate was introduced in the 16th Century by France. Mousse was only introduced after a Century. Since the savory taste of Mousse was not well received at that time. Mousse was almost withdrawn, and the sweet taste of Mousse was patented because the people fell in love for the flavor. Thus, Chocolate Mousse was introduced. But still, the savory Mousse exists.

The Term “Mousse” is a French word, which means “Foam” and Mousse was a popular dessert in France. It was in 1897, when we first introduced Mousse as a recipe in the News Paper Boston Globe’s Housekeepers column in New York City. Since people of United State does not have a food culture of using Egg Whites by omitting Egg Yolks apart.

Previously Chocolate has been prepared as a drink around 1700 BC But later fermented Sugar, Alcohol was added for consistency. West Africa ranks first in Cocoa Production. Almost 43% of the Cocoa is from the Ivory Coast. In accordance with the World Cocoa Foundation, a survey estimated that about 50 million people were employed in Cocoa business.

Twitter Hashtags: #ChocolateMousseDay #CelebrateChocolateMousseDay #NationalChocolateMousseDay

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates