Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: April 31st. It’s hard to believe we are entering April a new month. Where did April go? I can’t believe were entering a new month and I can’t wait to share all the Food Holiday’s happening this month. Which Charlie and I will be using the Holidays in our Cooking Class.

- Global Astronomy Month
- International Guitar Month
- Keep America Beautiful Month
- Lawn and Garden Month
- National Card and Letter Writing Month
- National Frog Month
- National Humor Month
- National Kite Month
- National Pecan Month
- National Poetry Month
- National Welding Month
- Records and Information Management Month
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Stress Awareness Month
Weekly Celebrations:
- Week 1 Library Week
- Week 1 Read a Road Map Week.
- Week 2 Garden Week
- Week 3 Organize Your Files Week
- Week 3 Medical Labs Week
- Week 4 Administrative Assistants Week
- Week 4 National Karaoke Week
April, 2022 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
April 1
National Walk to Work Day – first Friday of month
April 2
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Ramadan – begins at sundown, date varies
April 3
Don’t Go to Work Unless it’s Fun Day – we know your decision
April 4
April 5
National Library Workers Day – Tuesday of Library week in April
April 6
National Walking Day – first Wednesday in month
Plan Your Epitaph Day – a little morbid if you ask me
April 7
Caramel Popcorn Day – Most likely created by a popcorn maker, or an Ecard company.
National Burrito Day – first Thursday of month
April 8
April 9
April 10
Palm Sunday – date varies
April 11
Eight Track Tape Day – do you remember those?
April 12
Big Wind Day – this day blows me away!
International Be Kind to Lawyers Day – The second Tuesday in April
International Day of Human Space Flight / Russian Cosmonaut Day
April 13
International Plant Appreciation Day
National Bookmobile Day – The second Wednesday in April
April 14
International Moment of Laughter Day
Look up at the Sky Day – don’t you have anything better to do?
April 15
Good Friday – date varies
Income Taxes Due (most years, it’s on the 15th)
Passover begins at sundown – date varies
April 16
Husband Appreciation Day – third Saturday in April
Record Store Day – third Saturday in April
World Circus Day – third Saturday in April
April 17
Easter Sunday – date varies
International Haiku Poetry Day
April 18
Dyngus Day always the Monday after Easter
International Juggler’s Day – also applies to multi tasking office workers
National Stress Awareness Day – first workday after U.S. taxes are due
Patriot’s Day – third Monday of the month
April 19
April 20
April 21
National High Five Day third Thursday
April 22
April 23
National Zucchini Bread Day – they hold this at a time when you are not sick of all that zucchini.
April 24
April 25
April 26
April 27
Administrative Professionals Day (Executive Admin’s Day, Secretary’s Day) – date varies
April 28
Kiss Your Mate Day – guys, do not forget this one. Kiss her, then read her some poetry.
National Teach Children to Save Day – the date in April changes every year
Take Your Daughter to Work 4th Thursday
April 29
Arbor Day -last Friday of month
April 30