Welcome to our series celebrating Food Holidays: April 22nd, 2022. Today is National Vanilla Pudding Day. I don’t know about you but Vanilla Pudding would be sood good for after dinner snack this evening. Would you like to have Vanilla Pudding with me this evening?

National Vanilla Pudding Day
This National Vanilla Pudding Day, happens on May 22nd. You can satisfy your sweet tooth by celebrating your love for Vanilla Puddings. Forget any diet you are on and get ready to eat this dessert.
National Vanilla Pudding Day is celebrated every year to highlight the easy-to-bake dessert that is consumed by almost every household in the United States. While the origins of the holiday are not clear, the history of Puddings itself is a long and interesting one. Did you know, Puddings were not always a dessert but were in fact a Sausage-like Meat dish? This dish was common in the Middle Ages and the traditional Pudding has evolved a great deal over time.
The original ingredients included Milk, Sugar, and Fish or Meat. Of course, we have come a long way since then and the thought of consuming a Meat-based Pudding sounds horrible. From the Meat Pudding, this dish became a dessert and then further transformed into a Jelly-based dish known as Jell-O. From thereon, different flavors of Puddings were introduced including Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch, and don’t forget Caramel. Due to globalization, it is quite easy to come across a range of flavors including Lemon Pudding, Orange Pudding, and Coffee Pudding. There are also numerous variations of the original pudding including Bread Pudding, Flan, Creme Brûlée, Rice Pudding, and Christmas Pudding. Pudding recipes can also include Fruit.
Since most versions of Puddings are easy to make, a packaged version of Puddings was introduced in the U.S. in 1918. Instant Puddings, on the other hand, only entered the market during the mid-1940s.
- Host a baking competition in your backyard and ask people to bake their own versions of Vanilla Pudding. The one with the best recipe will win the contest!
- Grab a few pals and try out Vanilla Puddings of different eateries in your area. After you’re done, write a blog ranking the best and worst pudding you had.
- Have a baking session with your kids and not only will you get to eat Pudding, but you will also get to spend some quality time with your kids.
- Puddings were only for the elite in Europe during the Middle Ages.
- Jell-O is the most popular Pudding in the U.S.
- Chocolate Pudding wins the prize for being the most common Pudding.
- World’s most expensive Pudding was served at the Fortress hotel in Sri Lanka for $14,500.
- The word ‘Pudding’ came from the French ‘boudin,’ which means Sausage.
- Puddings are full of nutrition and Puddings aren’t so low in calories, but Pudding are also high in nutrients including Calcium, Minerals, Vitamins, and Protein.
- Puddings feel light while a Cake slice might make you feel full, Pudding will deliver the sweet taste you were craving without feeling heavy on the stomach.
- Puddings are delicious and easy to bake. All you need is Sugar, Milk, Egg Yolk, Vanilla Extract, Butter, and you have Pudding and you can sit back, relax and satisfy your sweet tooth.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates