Food Holidays: April 2022 National Salsa Month

The Mommies Reviews

I was preparing my post to share this morning’s Food Holidays; April 2022 National Salsa Month with you. It allowed me to add to my grocery shopping list. As I need to pick up Salsa and Chips for David and Charlie a snack this month. Allowing them to celebrate the Holiday. Which I will be letting them celebrate while I stand on the sidelines as I can’t have anything spicy. Would you like to join them?

National Salsa Month

Image result for national salsa month

I thought I would share the spicy truth behind Salsa which is no ordinary condiment. Salsa is an ancient Aztec recipe that was revealed to the world through the written word of a Franciscan Missionary who had lived with the Aztecs and learned their ways. Let’s treat National Salsa Month, in May, with reverence. You should bow to this ancient recipe and give in to our taste buds. Try out as many different types of Salsas as you can. The month will end but you will not run out of new and tasty Salsa recipes to try because there is Salsa is all over the world.


  1. Get a little crazy this month and don’t just use Salsa as a condiment. Flavor curries. Use Salsa as a Marinade or a spread. How about adding Salsa to a Cocktail?
  2. You could host a salsa-making competition. Whoever wins receives a prize. Even the losers will win because they get to eat Salsa.
  3. Fans of Salsa should post pictures, recipes, and any fun facts they know about Salsa on Social Media.


  1. The Salsa, the dance, actually takes its name from the real thing a dance in order to emphasize the spiciness of the moves. A robust mix of Hispanic, Caribbean, and African dance styles.
  2. Have you heard of Rooster Beak Salsa? Because Pico de Gallo literally means Rooster Beak Salsa. Perhaps because this chunky Salsa was eaten with the thumb and forefinger that resembled a pecking, Rooster!
  3. Did you know every year Pace Foods uses 22 million pounds of fresh Jalapeno. That’s more than any other Salsa company in the U.S!
  4. Traditionally, Salsa is prepared with a mortar and pestle made from black Volcanic rock which are used to puree the Tomatoes and Chilies with other ingredients.
  5. Relish, like Salsa, is a condiment used to increase the flavor of foods and can be eaten cooked or raw. The difference is that the word ‘Relish’ is French and ‘Salsa’ is Spanish.


  1. Everyone has their favorite Slasa recipe and some of the Salsa is homemade making it perfect to share during National Salsa Month. Did you know Salsa comes in as many different forms as there are people? Roja, Cruda, Verde, Negra, Brava.
  2. Did you know people bond over a bowl of Salsa with Chips and Tacos you will never be short of friends.
  3. Salsa is full of vegetables. Second, Salsa has Vitamin C, Lycopene, and Fiber. Salsa may even protect against Cancer!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates