Charlie and David were so excited this morning when I began working on our series for Food Holidays April 2, 2021. Did you know its National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day?

I was so excited because this makes it a day I don’t have to make Brunch Lunch/ Breakfast for them. They can find for themselves while I am out walking.
Thank the Lord I always keep Peanut Butter on hand for my evening snack and Grape Jelly for my toast. I think David would like to have Strawberry Jelly for his Sandwich but not Charlie.
In the meantime when I go shopping this evening to make it easier on the guys I plan on picking up Goober Grape® PB & J Stripes then when they make there Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches they will not make as big a mess for me to clean up.
If your making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich for you or your friends and family. I thought you might want to listen to this new song called Peanut Butter and Jelly which Charlie and I will listen to in our Homeschooling Music Class.
Food Facts
- Studies show there is a 75% chance that if you drop a slice of peanut buttered bread, it will fall face down.
- 50 percent of peanuts grown around the world are used to make peanut butter.
- Its estimated the average American school child will have munched through 1500 Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches before graduation. That isn’t me because I haven’t ever eaten a PB & J Sandwich. Have you?
- An 18 ounce jar of peanut butter will contain about 850 peanuts. Could you imagine counting out that many Peanuts to make a jar of Peanut Butter?
- The largest recorded peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the world was lovingly crafted in Peanut, Pennsylvania in 1993.That sandwich was 40 ft long and contained 150lbs of peanut butter and 50lbs of jelly.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that by law, any product labeled “peanut butter” in the United States must be at least 90 percent peanuts.
Peanut butter was first introduced to the USA in 1904. At the Universal Exposition in St. Louis by C.H. Sumner. He sold $705.11 of the “new treat” at his concession stand.
A 2002 survey showed a average American will have eaten 2,500 of these sandwiches before graduating from high school. With me eating them almost every night before bed I bet half of those sandwiches was consumed in my household.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates